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Hey, if EXLink is willing to go in with an Ice Mono (Which I might do if/when the next redemption comes around), I think that you don't really need to concern yourself too much about competitiveness. It's a case of "Do your best". Some people go for tryhardness, some, like me, go for a more casual team. Will I get all the badges? Hell no. Do I expect to have fun? Maybe.



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Stress in Nations?  I mean, yeah, there were two people like that in Ravenholts, but by week 5 we got together and decided to just do whatever, have fun, and if we won, we won.


Disclaimer: the only people really in on that were me, Kam, Kaito, Ody, and maybe Juu.


I'm doing Redemption with a team I spent... maybe five minutes building?  idk anything about gen 7 stuff, and it's not a team by me without a gimmick, or at least Zoroark.

Batting is only actually fun imo when you have something you're just trying to do, rather than metagame laddering.  That gets staler the higher you get.




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That could be anyone.


Avalon was kinda hectic due to certain interactions in the the Skype group chat, and several topics that were perpetuated by someone who I won't name which then resulted in one or two people leaving.


Otherwise, I found it stressful just trying to come up with teams. During the actual battles was an odd limbo. 



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