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Yay, Volcanion, you're here!

Unique typing. Meanwhile I'm here, called SkyRunner, with my location set to the clouds, and I'm a Dragon-type. Oh well, breaking physics is fun~ I mean, what is a physics, anyway?

So yeah, Luke, thoughts?

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Finished. Elliot is an idiot

What do you think sky?

Same. Btw, we're both Rotoms :D.

Also, Sky, how do you break Physics?

Anyways, gonna play Arkham Knight! I will not be here for quite some time so don't predict me!

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Whynot ask me to exorcise you? I can notice the presence of a baby Gastly slowly growing within you. That's the curse.

But first, submit to me and become my apprentice!

Edited by BlackMage
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Well, aren't you afraid...

Let's see. Unlike humans, a Gastly fetus develops completely within 3 months and instead of kicking, it will start attracting bad luck to you within 1.5 months. By the time it develops, you'll be under such immense pain that when it's released from your belly, it will take a part of your spirit with you...that has a high probability of causing your death, or worse, trapping you into an abyss of eternal pain and torture, which you can never leave! (much like the one I'm in! Though a different curse occurred to me)

I can lift it but to perform the exorcism, I'll need the following things : Your signature and acceptance as my apprentice, your obedience to me - the ruler of The Wasteland, some human organs, a demon's blood and poison gas from a Gengar. Got any of those?

I'm a smart business man, after all. Or a dark mage.


We could do another thing. We can perform the delivery and let you die (though that happening is only 65% while the 45% is you being trapped in hell) and then I can order my Absol to use Edo Tensei on you, though you'll only be reincarnated as a zombie but for a limited time - when my Absol dies, you will crumble into dust too.

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Oh, so that's what you meant about the abyss.

But that's a really severe curse for something so small. I don't even remember why Juu cursed me this time... Damn you, Juu.

I can give you my signature and acceptance as your apprentice. The other things are harder, or require some serious word bending. I can give you the organs at the church nearby, which do belong to a human, and I can give you a Gengar with Smog as an egg move. I have nothing for the demon's blood. Take it or leave it.

Or SHIA can save me with their magic cake. SHIA, help!

Edited by SkyRunner
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Look, Shia can do nothing. The curse of this Gengar is very strong and is attracted to you as tightly as a Diamond.

However, if you give me your signature and acceptance through PM and that Gengar, very well. I can arrange the demon's blood on my own.


Are you prepared? It is a short ritual and painless but you will be having nightmares for the next few weeks...only visions of what happened to the Gastly within your belly.

Don't worry, I'll try to ward off every good thing by giving you my evil amulet. Otherwise, it won't work :P.

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Shia, don't waste your time over here. The gastly can't leave through your medicinal cake :3.

Also TRHS caused Juuzou to curse Sky not once but twice.

Also, I am the ruler of The Wasteland now. Luke, Juu and Sky have accepted it. Now you bow to me too :P.

Edited by BlackMage
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