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We were informed of a future renovation to the wasteland in which only certain people are invited? But I'm not sure how it works as this is pretty much all shia said. Also Juu punched me in the foot, I got angry, demanded an apology, then I got sad, Juu felt sad, Juu apologized, we hugged and Juu hugged me for an uncomfortably long time which little does he know is the perfect amount of time for me. It was pretty dramatic...

Sky? Did this help?

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I'm not getting home until like 8-9 o'clock today.. I was thinking about bleaching my hair just for the lols. If I'm going to, it won't be for a long time though. Umm..... Shia?

I kinda feel like doing something crazy with my hair just for fun, like dye it my favourite shade of blue... Kyan you guess what it is?


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