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I could give you 1000 if you want it but I'm just shy of 2000 and either way I still need some for myself for when I want to become ace so I'll just gamble my way to 6000 with whatever I have left. If you want it it's yours just thought I'd offer.

I don't see the point of decorating at all really. Unless it's the inside of your house in which case go for it, it's a nice change of scenery and is it's own little sub-form of art in my opinion


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Thanks for the offer Micky33, but I'll pass. I want to earn the 2K "the good ol' fashioned way!"

But about decorations, I have to put up all decorations when it's time. I don't like putting up some now, then later. No, ALL the decorations must be up or I'll just keep pushing it back until its too late.

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Uhhhh. That looks really good Juu. I don't know why you keep beating yourself over your spriting abilities.

Since I don't know anything about the fundamentals of spriting, my opinion probably won't matter

But, what I can say at a visual standpoint this looks good.

You gotta believe in yourself Juu

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I'm being serious, I've always wanted to become a better artist and when I see people's work it makes me want to become better, but unfortunately I can't at least right now. I don't have any equipment. And the sprite you just showed me gives me the urge to try and create something.


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