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This Blanka https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanka not that other one


Blanchette, I think micky33000000 was thinking more along the lines of: http://streetfighter.wikia.com/wiki/Blanka

Edit: and I get ninja'd approximately 757588768678678678769 times before I can post. Of course.

Hi Shia!

Definitely not cute... TwT

I reject... http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Santen_Kesshun


edit: g'night Juu~ :)

Edited by Blanchette
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Micky33000000, would you rather people call you just micky?

Or something else that's slang for penis?

I thought so. :P

I'd prefer to be called Michael and my god watch your language there are children here!

(A spider just attacked me)

*casts fear* you should be fine now Jew no need to worry! I can't handle spiders.

Definitely not cute... TwT

That was kind of the point but also a coincidence.


Good night Jew!


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That's theistically inaccurate, considering I'm aetheist x.x I hate my life. I can't sleep because of that stupid spider and now I'm gonna get depressed from losing energy to lack of sleep.. I don't know how to deal with life.. O_o michael

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That's theistically inaccurate, considering I'm aetheist x.x I hate my life. I can't sleep because of that stupid spider and now I'm gonna get depressed from losing energy to lack of sleep.. I don't know how to deal with life.. O_o michael

I would knock you out if it helps :)

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