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i'm notmicky, but i placed like 5th in a tournament today, so that's cool.


That's not bad actually good job, just wish I could've fought you without lag.

And Shia he was viewing this thread and it said he was online, I just don't want him tired tomorrow in school.

Damnit mde you stole my joke..

Nothing much shia I'm just enjoyinh life at the moment trying to get things done and let me tell ya this has been the busiest week of my life and it was when I was off school funny enough.

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I have no idea who you were aiming at micky, but if i fought you without lag the results would have been drastically different since i dick around much less when lag is nonexistant. HMD

Edited by Shadow Tack
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That's not bad actually good job, just wish I could've fought you without lag.

And Shia he was viewing this thread and it said he was online, I just don't want him tired tomorrow in school.

Damnit mde you stole my joke..

Nothing much shia I'm just enjoyinh life at the moment trying to get things done and let me tell ya this has been the busiest week of my life and it was when I was off school funny enough.


I wanted to send Juu off with the priestess song in Fatal Frame 3 but I was too late :P

And it was fun with you in showdown yesterday micky~

We should all go on showdown at the same time, Jeri was cool :)

edit: forgot to predict so go micky~

Edited by Blanchette
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