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i started out stoked about it, like, I'm not knowledgable about space physics at all – I just enjoy reading about all varieties of science – but it sounds a bit like they're putting the cart before the horse, does it not? we discovered this, we don't know what it is, but it could be this the thing that will give us funding forever. im sure you're more knowledgable than i am on the subject of research funding, but seeing as a fifth force of nature is a Pretty Big Deal, I can't help but to question it. so without knowing the actual physics behind what they're saying – i dunt think that whatever they've found is outside of the parameters we already have, but it certainly is something, and hopefully they'll get their sweet sweet cash to find out what.

tl;dr for Micky – I agree with Dhan

Viridescent, I don't know why you keep fetching me for your art thread since i in all likelihood check it more than you do, but it's very flattering so please continue doing so. ill be there in a jiffy

im gonna try for Sohn der Höhe once more, hoping he does the bloody mary thing and appears after three tries. Sohn der Höhe, Sohn der Höhe, Sohn der Höhe

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it's 11 letters and so many syllables it's nigh a haiku on it's own – it suits you to have a name that provides something to work with.

besides, i gotta spend all the that free time i get from not capitalizing properly on something, eh?


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Yes, we do have middle names. Us brahmins usually have a deity's name as a middle name, or if they're Tamil brahmins, their father's first name as a middle name or some such.

Why do you ask that when you see me sign 'K.S.P' each time in my art? That's obviously three initials.

Weenie, I 'm still waiting.

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im sorry viridescent im out of my mind – i swear there's no actual connecting between this and you prompting me to review – i think crying into ben&jerrys ice cream packages while watching the simpson reruns will be the height of my mental performance today. not that it's a cumbersome task in any way, but i like it to have my full attention because i rather enjoy it

and that isn't obvious at all for me. i mean, i have two last names, even though that's illegal here, and i use those, not my middle name to write my initials. the naming tradition on my dads side, copypasted from some website:

As an example, José López marries María Famosa. Their son is named Juan López Famosa. Juan, in turn marries Isabel Fernández García. The son of Juan and Isabel could be named Pedro López Fernández, Pedro López y Fernández, Pedro López Famosa y Fernández, or Pedro López Famosa y Fernández García - the last two forms preserving the "Famosa" surname for future generations.
Sometimes, but not always, dashes or the letter "y" are used to group the surnames, so the son could also be known as Pedro López-Fernández, Pedro López-Famosa y Fernández, or as Pedro López-Famosa y Fernández-García. In some confusing situations you may have to resort to the genealogical records of the parents or other siblings to clarify where one group of surnames ends and the other begins.

the closest i've been to india is thailand, where they don't have middle names; in fact, none of the asian countries i've been to seems to have them. granted, easten asia and south western isn't very similar at all, but that's the only frame of reference i have.

and then there's micheal j fox, whom added a j just for the heck of it. i wouldn't put it beyond you, haha. s for swag

Juu is next! ghost fever!

im not actually having any b&j with tears and simpsons

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no, but there's something special about b&j and tears. it's like, this incredibly expensive ice cream, like 400 rupees each, and it's a well-known comfort food, so saying that you're eating b&j alone is like saying "i feel sorry for myself, but at least im rich, female, caucasian and probably have terrible taste in tv shows". similarly there's a list of problems ranging from "my boss is dick for not letting me play with my phone during work" to "i think my boyfriends want to break up with me but neither of us is communicating about it" associated with it. but my wallet doesn't allow it so i went for the budget version of cats and smoothies.

what would you do if Ame actually showed up, Noobly?

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I know what B&j ice cream is, I had it on a few occasions but I think I like BR more, bit I didn't know that's its tradition to eat B&j when one is feeling sorry for oneself.

Anyways, snap out of it. Self pity is a worthless thing.


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is your first name tom or Sliver, spine? thou i guess david is acceptable for an englishman as well.

b&j has like, one good favor, half-baked, the others are not worth the price. and that's a terrible thing to say, Viridescent. the boss for my bartender gig this summer - which im moving for - has gone completely off the radar the entire week, he keeps saying "ill get back to you", but he never does, so i texted him, like, "hi man, i know you're busy, but could you just reply to this and confirm all is rolling on smoothly", and he hasn't replied – im scared that he doesn't want me to work there anymore, which means im gonna end up with no jobs and two rents to pay + other bills. even if i do believe that things will work out in the end, 'cause im lucky like that, i think it's perfectly acceptable for me to be stressed out over it right now.

Viridescent, since you seem to be online

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Rubbish. We all have our tight spots and tribulations, but I see problems only in two ways: one, if there something to do to improve the situation, then do it, and two, if there is nothing one can do to improve the situation, then it is not a problem. Being morose is pointless and only does a needless injury to oneself and one's esteem.

While you're here and seemingly have nothing better to do (or else you would be doing that, I presume, instead of feeling sorry for a predicament beyond one's powers to alter) why don't you tell me if I should do Empoleon, Haxorus or Milotic next in my Mega series?

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Get that sissy spirit out of here. Only the ironclad may prevail.

And you should definitely eat ice cream, but perhaps without the lacrimose additions.

Wouldn't you agree, BlueMoonIceCream?

So triggered rn, I'll be as sissy as I want and if you have a problem with that you can call the police and tell them to take you to jail for not being understanding enough to appreciate how awesome I am. I hope you understand that in reality this is just a joke, I'm not offended at all, on the contrary I'm rather flattered,


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Apparently viri doesn't like memes.

I feel an urge to bombard you with dank, spicy memeage at every turn now.

I'll Strike When you least expect it.... Which might be when you most expect it!


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I never stated that I dislike memes that much. I just expressed my confusion at yet another meme which I don't seem to understand.

It'd be rather hypocritical of mw to say that "all memes are bad" when my Magnezonism is itself a meme of sorts. No, I think I can safely say that I don't like some memes in particular, and am usually confused by the rest.


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