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I don't own a 3DS either, haven't played anything beyond Platinum and SoulSilver because Gen4 Master Race, and I'm quite seriously going to regress back to the good ol' days when OU was fun and TM64 was everywhere. Beyond Gen4, the meta game in competitive got worse and more unbalanced with each successive generations, what with Gen5 bringing weather wars and Scald (and more borked mons like Keldeo and KyuB), gen6 basically going bonkers with megas and fairies and the ungodly nerf to the noble Steel type and a crapload of ugly stuff, and gen7 looking like it's gonna add yet another massive mechanic and metric tonne of Pokemon and abilities. Bah!

Besides, I can't stand the fact that we actually have the atrocious Ice/Steel Sandslash now.

You there! Yes, you, with the jazzy fur. Show up!

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My only experience with a shifting metagame is Hearthstone. And by "Shifting", I of couse mean "Different aggro decks", from Undertaker Hunter to Face Hunter to Zoolock to Face Shaman. I haven't played Pokemon competitively at all, but just from Reborn I already know that I hate Stealth Rock.


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