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I was on briefly but I could not post because university. Now I am in old school experiencing nostalgia while visiting old teachers.

I for one hope to be a part of this community for a long time.


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I wonder if I'll be able to do that one day, just say hello to everyone provided they haven't all been arrested for murdering our disgrace of a principal who almost cost me my A levels and half of the teaching staff their jobs. Did I mention that she put up an unnecessary flag pole for no reason just to have students take down the flag and replace it with a nazi flag as a leavers day prank that just so happened to be on the anniversary of world war II and that it was on the news?

Because yeah, that's a thing that happened...


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Yeah, it was my last year there, so I kinda feel like I'm leaving a war zone without knowing how it's going to turn out

Speaking of the principal was also AWOL for the majority of the year and is also a religious nut and while I never really got a chance to talk to her she apparently is not a very pleasant woman, I could honestly go off about her for hours but yeah it wasn't pleasant, but despite all that I came out with decent grades so I'm happy enough with that


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I don't really follow or care much for birthdays, tbh. Not even my own. It's like "Eh, sure, thanks. Can I move on now?" It's been like that for a few years now. Before I would downright host a party. Now? Go buy a pizza and there, my birthday.


Edited by Anstane
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I'm in it for the tasty cakes and treats, even if I am an adult. Can't wait for a bourbon chocolate cake for my 21st (since in good ol Murrica ya gotta be 21 to drank) BUT I ENJOY A GLASS OF WINE EVERY SO OFTEN ANYWAY.


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