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Well, I'm in University, but I'll still have access to internet most of the time, so while my attendance might be lower, it won't be that much lower.

And...sorry for my last post here. I just wanted to vent a bit. Now my feelings towards that battle are mostly "Let's just get it over with so I can forget all about it..."


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Well, the reasons why I hate the fight are a bit more personal aside from it just being a tough battle. But yeah, I have a strategy, worst-case scenario I can swap in Kricketune for one last battle before it gets boxed perhaps permanently as half of their Pokemon are weak to Bug.


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It's been strong, yes, but not like an "Instant-win" button. Yes, it swept Fern 2 by itself, but it only just defeated Florinia's Ferroseed (Then again, Gulpin was the MVP there, sweeping half of her team by himself).


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I've had nutella a few times, but never frequently enough to actually finish a jar. Any we've had (which I'm pretty sure amounts to no more than two) have been thrown out long before being finished.

Maybe Dhan will surprise us.

Edited by Spineblade
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I was golden when my Meowstic learned Charge Beam. Combine that shit with Competitive and Psyshock and it's game.

Plus an opening Twister from Pidgeotto.


That WOULD be a good strategy...except for 2 problems:

1) Nasty Plot Venoshock Crobat outspeeding everyone.

2) Skuntank.


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That WOULD be a good strategy...except for 2 problems:

1) Nasty Plot Venoshock Crobat outspeeding everyone.

2) Skuntank.


Mankey or Pancham can really help out there, plus I have a Flash Fire Quilava so that's a plus.

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Welp, I managed to beat Corey. What helped me? His second-to-last Pokemon, Nidorina, deciding to use Venom Drench. On F!Meowstic. Who has Competitive. After that, it was simply a matter of "Oh Arceus please don't let Venoshock crit!" and then OHKO'ing the Crobat.

Eh, just have fun with it wherever possible, the only reason I actually enjoyed going to school in the first place was because I got to hang out with my friends all day basically

I have had...a very bad experience with school overall, to the point where I'd like to forget all about it. I am still suffering from severe social anxiety and shyness because of it...


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I have had...a very bad experience with school overall, to the point where I'd like to forget all about it. I am still suffering from severe social anxiety and shyness because of it...

I've always had severe social anxiety but I try to fight it every now and again when I know it'll benefit me, for example I got into a major argument with a family member to the point where they were saying they never want to talk to me again, I mean at the end we hugged it out but he came in the next day and I was upstairs and I thought to myself if I don't go down there and talk to him then it'll probably just be awkward forever, so I just said "fuck it" and went down there and we had a pretty good conversation, lucky for me a power station blew up or we probably wouldn't have had any subject matter >->


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It's best to find someone you can click with, I made my friends through talking about games and such and it developed from there, and if you don't know much about what people are talking about you could show interest, ask questions stuff like that, but make sure you aren't talking to any assholes because they ruin it for everyone


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