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Alright, finally back home, finally got some properly free time...and the first thing that I have to do is help my grandmother with some photos, instantly burning half an hour. I mean I know I shouldn't complain, but I've had a really long day and there are some things I want to do.

Anyway, for serious, I'll do some of my RP next post. Probably.


Edited by Anstane
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She has a few issues she'd need to get over first namely whatever titania did to her

My Jasper senses are telling me that this will be explained in the next episode.

My Jasper senses also guess Viridescent.

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I took notes from each of the journal entries plus Titania's fairytale observation, so I don't need to replay factory and plant hell again just to read some books.

Serious shit went down, am I right Spine?

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Once you beat E16 content, you can walk out the checkpoint, or fly to Peridot Ward. The other wards are a bit borked atm for flying.

Heck, you can strength glitch back to Reborn, afaik.

Also, nobody guessed me (that I saw), so nobody misses me :3


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You are able to walk out of the east gate of Agate Circus and it'll take you to the Agate City checkpoint giving access to the rest of the city.

I don't know if you can use fly, haven't tried it.


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...*pant*...I can hear sounds. They're definitely in here...wait, over there, that looks like a cliff face. If I can get- *Whoosh!* Wha-Gaah!

...ugh. Ow...skin under fur burning...ugh, gotta get up, I can't fall now...

...looks like I was found, by the Arcanine. And, yep, there she comes, the human who I assume is the hound's trainer, along side a...Delcatty and a Grovyle. This is bad...boulder at my back, surrounded, yeah, I'm in trouble now.

"Arcanine, hold. What's a Glaceon doing in a place like this, a rocky field? Well...it might be for the best if we caught her before something bad happens". Those words got me scared now. "No, I will not be captured! I want to be free! Please!" I know that there's no point trying to communicate with the human, she can't understand me. But maybe her Pokemon can explain it to her... "Please, let me go! I don't want to be bound to a trainer, I've heard many bad things about you all!"

...huh? It looks like Arcanine is trying to...use charades to explain, I guess. Still can't find an opening to flee...might have to try and make a local snowstorm and meld into it to try and escape. "You've had bad experiences with trainers before? I admit there are many of us that care only about power, only about being strong or having the largest collection. But I...I actually don't care about those. I only want to protect those who might be otherwise abused, I want to adventure with a true team of friends. Understand, I'm not doing this because I'm selfish, I'm doing this for your sake", the girl just said. Her words...sound oddly sincere.

"She is telling the truth. She would never let you come to harm. Well, aside from right now, I guess. Heh...sorry.", the Arcanine seems to be trying to convince me. "Yeah, we're all friends here." The Grovyle added. Hmm, maybe...

...no, I can't! I mustn't fall for their lies! "No, I can't! I won't! I don't believe any of you!" the words come out of me as I proceed to make a localized hailstorm. I jump into the snow and manage to meld into it right before another burst of flame hit me! Wait for it...now! Straight past them, straight toward the cliff. If I can just find the cave, I can escape them, they're all too big to fit through the tunnel...gh, gritting teeth and putting all my strength to get away while enduring the pain from a nasty fire burst...I hope I can hold out...

BMIC, do you think I can make it?

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I might not be BMIC, but I certainly can continue the story.


A loud noise to my left catches my attention, and I look over to see an Arcanine and a Grovyle, as well as what seems to be their trainer. The Arcanine is visibly radiating heat, like it had just used a fire blast or something. Near them, a wounded Glaceon is hiding in the snow, but they can't see it thanks to how it's camouflaging itself. However, with my different vantage point, I have an easier time seeing it than they do. It's a bit of a moot point, though, because the fire-dog is currently charging up another fiery attack. That Glaceon might be able to tank a single hit, but not a second one like the one it got hit by earlier. Snarling, I unleash my own attack from the side, throwing a Razor Shell on a trajectory that causes the fiery attack to be deflected back at the Grovyle. As I do so, I make sure to try my hardest to deflect the attack, since I know that the Grass-type has the advantage over me, and I don't want to need to face off against it. The attack is successfully deflected, but the Grovyle is still standing after the reflected attack ends. Frowning, I catch my Scalchop and take cover behind a nearby boulder. While I waited for the scalchop to return to me, I noticed a cave nearby, one that seems like it's too narrow for any of the three in the trainer's group to get through. However, the Grovyle stands between me and it, which is a bit irking...

Will the Trainer take action against me, keep their focus on you, or divide their attention, Anstane?

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I'm actually getting REALLY into this

From the distance I hear what sounds like fighting and decide to check it out, rushing to the commotion I see a Dewott hiding behind a rock and what seems to be another Arcanine and a Grovyle in pursuit of a Glaceon! "Hm, I wonder if I need to step in?" Just as I say that the Arcanine fires at the Glaceon and my insticts kick in! I jump in front of the injured pokemon and take the hit, forming a cloud of dust and smoke. I absorb the flames and wait for the dust to clear a bit. "I'll hold them off for a little bit, you go on ahead!" The Grovyle takes up a defensive stance preparing himself for any fire that may come his way and the Arcanine growls as it awaits it's next command from the trainer.


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