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((I'm not made of quartz.

In any case, continuing the story.))

The first Arcanine's attack was deflected by my attack, and I peer out from behind the rock. What I see kind of surprises me a little: another Arcanine, this one not bound to a trianer, has joined in the fray, and was what took the next attack that the Trainer's Arcanine had fired off. Now that the playing field is a bit more even, I feel safer in coming out from behind the rock and dealing with the Trainer's Arcanine. Unfortunately for me, the Trainer has a sharp eye, and throws a Dive Ball at me. However, I see it coming, and whack it right back at them with a Razor Shell, scoring a direct hit to the head. Of course, they aren't sucked into it, but the do fall onto their rear, a bruise forming on their left cheek from where the deflected capsule whacked them upside the head. Now between their Arcanine and the injured Glaceon, I feel confident enough to stand and provide assistance to the Wild Arcanine standing next to me and facing the Grovyle.

((Microcrystalline Quartz (AKA Jasper for those of you who don't know their gemology), feel free to join in on the fun.))

Edited by K_H
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From high above the treetops, a splash of black and lavender could be seen from behind the leaves before disappearing in a bolt of flames. The streak of bright fire circled round the intruding Trainer and their Pokemon, creating a smoldering ring of ash. Leaning on a flower chain adorned branch was a shiny Braixen, their expression almost a condescending one. This human was clearly outnumbered, and it pleased the young vulpine mage greatly.

"Humans are all the same, really. But hey, I get a good laugh when they don't get what they want. Guess that's why they call it Schadenfreude, am I right?"


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Ye god's I did not expect my initial random RP'ing to...well, have more people join in RP'ing. I am actually okay with this.

And yet I can't continue right now, I have to sleep as I have yet another long day tomorrow, plus on phone, so no proofreading. I'll read up and continue tomorrow, so, if you continue...don't go too far ahead, alright? <3


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([OOC] *le finishes reading up* Hey, give me half a chance and I'll happily jump onto the RP train. I've got like, a half-dozen OC's (Including the main villain of a story, an extremely powerful mage/warlock hybrid), that I'd feel right at home. Anyway...let's see how this works...and I'm going to have to switch to a third-person perspective for a bit to keep everything in check...)

"Wah-gah, didn't expect that Grovyle to be so fast. Managed to block the blow, but he managed to block my escape...now I really am surrounded... "

The Arcanine prepares to launch another burst of flame at Glaceon, one that would most likely leave her barely standing, with no strength to resist capture. She fires and Glaceon closes her eyes, bracing for the inevitable...

..."Gaa! Wha-!" suddenly the Grovyle screams out in pain. Glaceon, in a surprise, looked around and noticed something she didn't expect: A Dewott's shell, which seems to have deflected the Arcanine's burst of flame right at Grovyle. A quick glance and she saw the Dewott in question, standing next to a nearby boulder. He grabs the shell and seems to take cover. "...that was close, but..." Glaceon didn't even have time to finish the thought before Arcanine fired another burst...

...only for another Arcanine to jump in and take the blow for her. "Wah-who are..." Glaceon started to say. "Don't worry, I'm a friend, unlike the trainer and her team." the friendly fire-type answered. "I'll hold them off for a little bit, you go on ahead!" he(?) demanded. Only problem: The Grovyle was still in the way and, despite the type-advantage, the injured ice-type wasn't sure she could get through. "Let's try and knock it out fast, alright?" Glaceon quickly said to her savior before preparing to launch a blast of frigid air at the grass-type...

...and then Dewott, seemingly encouraged by the arrival of the Arcanine, seems to decide to jump into the fray as well. "A Dewott too? Hm...I didn't expect this to turn out like this. Believe me, what I'm doing is for the best, but if you don't believe me, I'll just have to do it the old-fashioned way..." the trainer exclaimed before tossing a Pokeball, a Dive Ball specifically, at the Dewott. The water-type was faster, though and, with a hit from his shell, knocked the Pokeball right back at the trainer, with enough velocity to cause her to fall over. "Come on, there's a cave that we can use to escape the trainer and her team", Dewott said. "Alright. Just got to get past the Grovyle..." Glaceon answered. She knew about the cave, but wasn't going to argue, not right now. "Please, hold her Arcanine at bay, us two will try to get the Grovyle out of the way so we can escape".

Glaceon glanced at the wild Arcanine and nodded her head. Understanding the desire, they both prepared to strike the Grovyle, a blast of fire and ice, one that, hopefully, the grass-type wouldn't be able to endure. Being careful not to have the two attacks intersect, the two wild Pokemon attack, hitting the trainer's Grovyle with a nasty hit of conflicting, yet unified elements. It was enough, though, and the enemy faints. "Alright, let's run while we can!" the wild Arcanine shouted out, and the two of them, as well as the wild Dewott who managed to hold off the Arcanine, turned and started to run to the cave.

The three of them were halfway to the cave, yet another burst of flame flying over their heads from the trainer's Arcanine. It looks like they were about to escape to safety...

...until the trainer's third Pokemon, a Delcatty, jumped out and, in retaliation to the KO'd Grovyle, unleashed a brutal assault on the wild Arcanine, one that leaves him heavily wounded. Without missing a beat, the trainers cat-like mon proceeded to unleash an abnormally strong slap, one that could wake anyone up, hitting Glaceon straight on. "Aagh! Didn't...expect this...Delcatty to be...this strong..." The Glaceon was able to get up but, now with serious injuries and barely enough strength to keep going, as well as an injured Arcanine next to her, this looks like it will be a difficult situation to escape from, especially with the trainer and her Arcanine running up. "Good job Delcatty! This might seem rough, but you'll understand later...Delcatty, attack the Dewott. Arcanine, hold the wild one's attention" she said before taking out a Poke Ball and preparing to throw it straight at the weakened ice-type.

"This is...not good..."

JazzyFur, do you think we can still escape, or will it be all for nothing?

([OOC] And now back to going AFK for a few hours. Sorry, but it's just how it is for me today, gotta help parents in a field, digging up potatoes. Will return in a few ours to continue (hopefully))

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Seeing the Trainer prepare to throw a capsule at the Glaceon, and hearing them tell their Delcatty to attack me, I knew that what I needed to do next was going to be a bit tricky, but it would be doable. Just as the trainer threw their pokeball, I threw one of my scalchops at it in the form of a Razor Shell, knocking the capsule off-course enough to avoid hitting any of us. That's about when the Delcatty pounced at me, but I'd readied myself for this, using my second scalchop, also in Razor Shell mode, to shield myself from the inbound attack. After catching my first scalchop, I spoke.

"It's kinda funny, actually. My original Trainer Released me because I was, to put it in his words, 'Too Weak'. And now look at me: handling a Trainer with the assistance of others, and doing a fairly good job of it at that. To be completely frank with all of you, I'd say that the words about being captured for my own sake are..."

I then heaved the Delcatty off of me, and then used Revenge, becoming surrounded in an orange aura before letting off a similarly-colored pulse of energy directed at my opponent. Sure, it might not be a STAB move, but it is Super Effective against a Normal Type, being a Fighting-type move. And with the doubled power from the fact that I was just attacked, it'd probably end up getting me the KO on my opponent. As used the move, I finished what I was saying.


((OOC: this is a really fun one-off. I might consider animating it in Blender at some point. In any case, I call on you to see what happens next, Jazz.))

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The Braixen sat back and watched, their tail bristling with anticipation for what would happen next. Now was the time to take up a defensive stance to keep the Glaceon safe. Their red eyes were focused hard on the Dewott fighting against the Trainer and their Pokémon, and they turned their head just slightly to give the Ice type a reassuring look.

"Hey, you okay there kid? You're not hurt, are you?" The Braixen seemed to show a genuine interest in the Glaceon's health, and they knelt down beside them to check for injury.

((lol i havent done group roleplaying in years, but everyone loves a Braixen that does their job as a mage amirite K_H?))

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"I'll hold them off for a little bit, you go on ahead!" he(?) demanded.


After the delcatty's surprise attack I found myself struggling a bit as I struggle to stand up I notice a braixen tending to the wounded glaceon, I then turn my head and see the delcatty and snap into position making sure not to get blind sided again and suddenly I have an idea. "Yo, foxy!" The Braixen looks at me not entirely happy with the nickname I came up with "I have an idea"


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"Does your idea include refraining from using such a derogatory nickname?" the Braixen sneered as they got up from tending to the Glaceon, and went to stand by the Arcanine.

"What's your plan?"


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"I need you to hit me with your fire, and make sure you can protect that glaceon I'm counting on you" As I say that the enemy pokemon prepare themselves for what's coming though I made sure not to spoil too much of my plan.


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The Braixen gave his idea some thought, and lit their staff on fire before taking a stance.

"Well okay then. Just don't be surprised if you lose something you're holding onto." they said before firing a shot of flames along the Arcanine's back.


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As the fire hits I am immediately engulfed in the flames, I can already feel myself getting stronger, when the fire clears I prepare my attack the air around us starts to get warmer and warmer "Now!" I exclaim an the Braixen guards the Dewott and Glaceon as I let out a huge heat wave powered up by the earlier Arcanine's fire blast and the Braixen's attack. The air is now as hot as fire, the delcatty couldn't take the wave and is on the ground unconscious while the Arcanine seems to be struggling with it, good thing it doesn;t have flash fire or this would be a whole different story.


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Just so you know, I'm still away from my PC, likely gonna be that way for the next...5 or so hours. I can keep reading up (and I must say, I'm enjoying it), but I can't really make an IC post until I'm back. Just so you know and shouldn't expect much from me for the next few hours.


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((If I ever create a PMD-esque RP, I'm probably going to use our RP Characters as members of one of the Teams. It's really shaping out nicely! That Blender Animation is also guaranteed to occur at some point. I just need to make the Models and such, and I'll be good to go.))

Seeing that the Trainer's Arcanine is barely standing, I take the opportunity to fire off the finishing blow, using Water Pulse. The air gets slightly drier as I pull moisture from the surrounding air and concentrate it into a ball between my forepaws, which I then lob at the feet of the Trainer's Arcanine. Upon contact with the ground, the ball explodes into a wall of water that washes over the enemy, knocking the Trainer's Arcanine unconscious. Seeing their last active 'mon go down, I turn to the others.

"I'd say that we need to go into the cave now, before the Trainer gets any bright ideas, as well as a just-in-case for if they have any other Pokémon that they want to use."


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