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((I just realised there's four of us so far so that works out I guess))

Just as I put pressure on my front paws to run I feel a sharp pain go up my right leg and collapse "AGHH! *pant pant* that delcatty really did a number on me" I struggle to stand up but I can't put pressure on that leg " I can still run but it might be a little difficult to keep up but we should definitely get moving, can the Glaceon stand?"


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Just posting now to reaffirm that I haven't forgotten this: as soon as I am able I'll make a proper post.

It is going to be VERY long, though, as I'll be catching up on everything since my last RP post. You have been warned.


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Thanks Tempest for the post. Now I can do this without editing or double-posting...


((If I ever create a PMD-esque RP, I'm probably going to use our RP Characters as members of one of the Teams. It's really shaping out nicely!

All my yes if you do make it.

I'm gonna make long posts catching up on all the posts for if there were a number of them for me to catch up. If there were only a few (like 1-3) I'll just push forward. As it is... [/OOC])

Bracing for the worst, the Glaceon was ready to put in one last burst of strength to dodge the thrown Poke Ball. Turns out it was unnecessary because the wild Dewott proceeded to not only deflect the thrown sphere, but also block the Delcatty's attack. She heard the water-type speak about how he was abandoned by his trainer as well. "So he's like me, abused and abandoned, left with a distaste for these humans..." the ice-type thought before she collapsed. While the Glaceon still had the strength for one last run, that's about it. The injuries were starting to pile up. There was also the worry for the wild Arcanine who was starting to stand up and continue the fight, who also took a nasty blow...

Just then, a Braixen jumped down next to the struggling girl, and, after a brief glance at Dewott, turned to the Glaceon, asking if she was alright. "...guh. No, I'm not. I barely...have any strength left..." the ice-type stammered out through the pain. At roughly this moment her eyes turned to the Dewott who managed to land a major blow to the Delcatty. Not enough to knock it out entirely, but enough to leave it weakened. "Yo, foxy!" she overhears the friendly Arcanine call out to Braixen, who turns to him with an...annoyed look. A quick discussion of a plan ensued between the two, the Braixen ultimately agreeing to it. They unleash a blast of fire at the Arcanine who seems to become empowered by the flames. "Yikes, I hope the heat isn't TOO intense otherwise I might faint just from it!" the thought races in Glaceon's mind, as she struggled to get up on her feet. Dewott, who by this point had noticed what was happening, leaped back next to the Fire and Ice-types in order to avoid what was coming next.

"Now!" the word was given and Braixen put up a wall of magical energy, shielding them from the heat. The friendly Arcanine then unleashed a powerful wave of superheated air, which proved too much for the weakened Delcatty to endure. The trainer seemed to have gotten burned by the blast of air and even her Arcanine seemed to struggle to endure it. "Wow...I can't believe what is happening. I didn't expect so many to come out and help me..." Glaceon thought to herself, feeling surprised and relieved. After the fire had dissipated, Dewott jumped forward and, taking advantage of the scenario, finished off the trainer's Arcanine with a powerful pulse of water.

"I'd say that we need to go into the cave now, before the Trainer gets any bright ideas, as well as a just-in-case for if they have any other Pokémon that they want to use." the water-type shouted to the rest of the wild Pokemon. Glaceon was not going to argue against that, it was her plan from the beginning to escape into the cave. She struggled to her feet, after having ducked down to brace for the Heat Wave. "Kid, can you get up?" she heard the Braixen's voice as she put a paw on her. "...yeah, I can stand. I don't have the strength left to fight, but I can still stand, walk and maybe run a short distance if the need arises. Thank you all for helping me out there, I would have been a goner if you three hadn't saved me." the Ice-type spoke, loudly enough for all three of her saviors to hear.

She turned to the Arcanine who seemed to be in pain. The Delcatty's Retaliate did quite a number on him, especially on his front right leg. Slowly she limped over to the fire-type. "Are you alright? You took quite a blow. Either way, we should go. I think it will be for the best if we all stuck together for now, in case the trainer tries something else." Glaceon said to the others before turning to the cave, ready to go, albeit still in pain. "...I can't believe I got so lucky...maybe it was fate that brought us together like this?" a thought went through her head as she set off at a pace that is about as fast as she can realistically muster with the strength she has left after the battle, trying to keep pace with the other three.

BMIC, we won't leave you behind. It's best if we all go together.

([OOC] That took a lot longer to type then I thought it would. [/OOC])

Edited by Anstane
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((A couple pages back))

The Braixen let out a soft snort, almost a chuckle as they plucked a singed flower from their staff and rubbed it between their fingers. It was no biggie really, they thought. After all, the abandoned have to stick together!

"Fate is a double edged sword. A Doublade, if you will. One brain decides on the good, while the other is cruel."

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I'm kind of torn. On one hand it would be nice to see how they went, what the yays and nays are, but on the other hand I want to make my own opinions, to experience it fresh and with...kind of unedited feelings, like "Wow, this is really amazing how it's going!".

Oh, and don't get me wrong, as much as I'd like to see such an RP, I'm not forcing you to make it. I'm just saying that if you do decide to do so I'd be among those who would definitely join.


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"You too, huh? Sounds like we're all of the same fate, abandoned, with a mistrust for humans. Perhaps...perhaps it is for the best if we stuck together, if you're willing." the Glaceon replied to the Braixen's comment about fate.

Anything to add, BMIC?

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