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((I take it we're on the move then?))

"I haven't really had a run-in with many humans, after all people don't believe we have any potential so normally trainers don't bother going after me..."

"And to be fair I kind of only decided to help on a whim though I'm glad I did.. I don't suppose we should introduce ourselves at some point?"

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I must admit I've only really been glancing at the RP posts. I'll have to give them a proper read if I get time tomorrow.



2much word for me

aww bluemoon cares about spine

lets kidnap spine and take him far away leaving bluemoon in despair










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Their quite the enjoyable read if I do say so myself~

They really are, and I really enjoyed participating in this (admittedly impromptu) session...you want to end it as is or do you want to add some finality with everyone introducing themselves and getting to the cave? Just asking.


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Alright, I guess it would be fair to finish this up...

Taking one last glance over her shoulder, the Glaceon noticed, in relief, that the trainer was running away, most likely back towards a Pokemon Center. While there was no danger from her, who knows who might still be there. As such, the four continued to make their way towards the tunnel beyond which they would be safe.

"I guess some introductions would be in order. I...well, I don't really have a name. My former trainer was quite a cruel one, constantly beating me and the other Pokemon for not, as he would constantly say, "living up to his expectations". We all hated him, and to be honest, he wasn't even that good of a trainer, constantly making stupid decisions. Once, he sent me out against a Typhlosion instead of someone else on the team who would have been strong against fire..." the ice-type reminisced, with a sad and pained look on her face.

"One day, I simply could not take it anymore and attacked back, biting him in the arm. Needless to say, I was tossed out and shunned by everyone related to him. Perhaps...perhaps that was for the best... Ever since then I've been wandering the plains, forests and the like, with a fear and mistrust for humans..." Glaceon shuddered for a bit upon uttering these words at the thought that she was this close to becoming a trainers pet...no, slave, in her mind, again.

"Well, that's my story. What about you? I heard Dewott say how he was abandoned for being, supposedly in his trainers eyes, "Too weak". What about you, Braixen? Do you wish to share your story?" the ice-type asked, turning her head a bit towards them.

JazzyFur, you wish to continue?

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"Funny enough, my old Trainer disappeared. He called me Emberic, which I have no idea what it means." the Braixen began, taking a seat on a soft patch of grass so they could redo the flower chain on their staff.

"One day I was assisting him with a spell of sorts, and after a bright flash of light he was gone. I wasn't exactly torn up about it, but it is how it is. Stole a pair of his earrings and some snacks before I hit the road." They made a gesture to a pair of shiny earrings adorning their long ears, and smirked.

"I don't know what humans use them for, but I think they're pretty snazzy."


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btw where doe sthis story start? or can I read it from anypoint

Page 1045 with my posts, but it really took off on page 1049 when K_H and BMIC joined in with JazzyFur not far behind.

Speaking of, K_H?

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I can't really say it's been very fast. So far the year's been fairly slow for me.

And yeah, Iwas also really hoping that K_H would show up and help us finish up, but he seems to have dissapeared.


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((And I show up from out of BMIC's first initial! How can I help you? ))

Hearing the Glaceon mention my backstory and the Braixen mention their accessories, I decided to give them the longer version and explain what the ornaments were used for.

"Oh, those are called 'earrings'; Humans use them as decoration when they feel like it, and Female Humans use them during their courtship rituals. As for my backstory, the one I said mid-battle is just the TL;DR version of it. The full version is as follows:

"My original trainer was one of those people who call themselves 'Competitive Breeders', and I was the Starter that he chose at the beginning of his journey. Apparently, he found me to be not very good for what he wanted to do, and ended up releasing me in favor of some other water-type because, according to him, it had 'Perfect IVs', which is total TS in my opinion, and I have almost no clue what he was talking about when he said that. If I remember correctly, it was a Magikarp that I'd helped him catch. Even though he told me to scram, I kept an eye on him to see how he was doing for a while afterwards. He ended up leaving it in the daycare with a ditto before releasing the Magikarp and selling its children to other people who called themselves 'Competitive Battlers'. That's about when I got disgusted enough to stop keeping tabs on him, and left for good. I certainly hope that he gets his comeuppance at some point. In any case, I've been wandering here and there ever since, living off of what the land has been able to provide as I wander."

Edited by K_H
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