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Alright. I think tomorrow , as soon as I am able I'll write the ending to this small RP session we've done. Unless, of course, you're all up for more, but even then maybe it would be better delegated to a different thread.

It was quite an enjoyable experience, I must say, and I am happy to have gotten a chance to do this with you guys.

BMIC, your thoughts?

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Alright. I think tomorrow , as soon as I am able I'll write the ending to this small RP session we've done. Unless, of course, you're all up for more, but even then maybe it would be better delegated to a different thread.

It was quite an enjoyable experience, I must say, and I am happy to have gotten a chance to do this with you guys.

BMIC, your thoughts?

I mean we could continue somewhere else but at least for now we should finish up, besides it's too tedious to type with this controller anyway. Jazz?

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Alright. I think tomorrow, as soon as I am able I'll write the ending to this small RP session we've done. Unless, of course, you're all up for more, but even then maybe it would be better delegated to a different thread.

It was quite an enjoyable experience, I must say, and I am happy to have gotten a chance to do this with you guys.

I mean we could continue somewhere else but at least for now we should finish up, -snip-

Like I said, I'll be making a PMD-esque RP with us in it. We can continue it there. I can work off of your ending and make this session one of the in-universe legends about our group of 4.

Anstane, you're up.

Edited by K_H
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Can i plug in a keyboard?

...yes? I assume you have a USB port, most keyboards use those (Or you can get a wireless one, I prefer wired, personally).


The group of four, slowly but surely, made it to the gaping hole in the cliff face. They enter the dark and damp cave, using what little light manages to filter in through the entrance to get to the far end of the chamber, where a small archway leading to a long and black tunnel awaits.

"Alright, we made it. The tunnel is small enough for us to squeeze through while making pursuit by others...awkward, to say the least." The Dewott spoke up. "Beyond it lies a large valley where very few humans appear. At least I've never seen any beyond here, only rumors of one or two occasionally showing up. We should be safe once we make it through."

"Hm, it's completely pitch black, though. Hey, Braixen. Will you be able to light a fire with your staff and lead us?" the Glaceon asked of the mysterious fire-type.

"Afraid of a little darkness, eh?" the Braixen chuckled to themselves a bit before calming down. "Alright, it's better then crashing into walls head-first at least. I'll try to go slowly so you two can keep up, alright?"

Both Arcanine and Glaceon nodded. They were not in the best of conditions to move fast, not that it would be really feasible to do so in the darkness.

"Dewott, can you please stay at the back to protect us in case someone does try to follow us? It helps to not take risks." Arcanine asked of the water-type, who simply nodded in agreement.

And with that, Braixen, with a flick of their paw, lit a small fire which started producing a glow of light. With shadows dancing among the walls, the fire-type entered the archway first. Arcanine limped right behind them, still not really capable of putting pressure on his front right leg. Glaceon staggered right behind the fiery canine, trying to conserve her energy until she knew they reached safety. Finally, Dewott went through last, for the sake of keeping the other three safe from any surprise attacks. And thus, they head into the murky darkness, a small ember of flame guiding their path through the darkness.

And thus, that is the story of how these four unlikely souls, abandoned or otherwise undesired by human society, met each other. Was it a meeting of mere chance, or fate? Only time will tell. But this meeting, as it happens, will be merely the start of something big, the start of an epic adventure that will accompass not just these four, but many others. Until then...

To be continued.

[OOC] Please forgive me for the...rather inelegant, perhaps, ending. I'll be honest, I hadn't planned this far ahead. If you think it's necessary, I can try to rewrite it a bit, add some extra details, but this is kind of where I wanted to end it off on. I can add in an epilogue where the four make it through the tunnel, but I don't know how that would go, to be honest. (It also helps I won't be needing the OOC tags, at least not for a little while at least)

How do you feel about this ending, JazzyFur? [/OOC]

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I'm working on the OOC Thread and the Animation as we speak. Modeling and Rigging Pokémon and Pokéballs from scratch is harder than it looks, OK? I've only just got the Untextured Pokeball finished. If one of you wants to work on the Map of the area that the RP takes place in, that'd be really helpful.


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I'll provide you with something better: a screenshot of my progress.


I also requested that someone else provide me with a map of the Battleground so that I can model it more easily.


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The problem is that I tend to base maps on something else. I mean I can try to make something from scratch, but it would be a pretty basic and/or bad map tbh. I mean I can try to make something in paint, but that's about it.


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Even a bad map will suffice. I just need the sizes and locations of the major landmarks, in this case the cliff, tunnel, and boulders, and I can take it from there.

A minor update: I've finished modeling and texturing the exteriors of the Pokéballs used. Now comes the hard part: Doing the same for the 'Mons and Human in question, as well as the Scalchops.


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Alright, I've got a (mostly) free day tomorrow, I'll try to make it. One question though: Just how big, roughly, do you expect the game world to be and what should there be, as in, I expect there will be a core town for Pokemon living together from humans, with locations going from there. But how much variety, roughly? Ruins, maybe even some human settlements beyond the huge valley that I might make be surrounded by the mountains so only hikers and the like would get to it etc. Because I can make a world with no human settlements or even traces of humanity just fine.


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Alright, I've got a (mostly) free day tomorrow, I'll try to make it. One question though: Just how big, roughly, do you expect the game world to be and what should there be, as in, I expect there will be a core town for Pokemon living together from humans, with locations going from there. But how much variety, roughly? Ruins, maybe even some human settlements beyond the huge valley that I might make be surrounded by the mountains so only hikers and the like would get to it etc. Because I can make a world with no human settlements or even traces of humanity just fine.


I was only referring to where the one-off took place. However, the map for the RP should have the valley surrounded by mountains so rugged that only the most determined of the most determined Protagonist Trainers could even have a chance of making it into the valley by going over the top; anyone else would be deterred by how long and difficult the journey is if one goes by foot. Outside of these mountains, there should be, at the absolute most, one small Human settlement within a radius of a few kilometers. Anything past that, and the terrain doesn't matter.

You think you can manage that, Anstane?

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Well, I have a first draft of a map right here. Forgive me for the horrible quality. Map in first spoiler, details/explanation in the second.


The brown-ish line surrounding the green is supposed to be the mountains, cliffs, the thick mountain range in question. I didn't draw it thick for the sake of space, though it seems like it wasn't needed. Basically, note the "NOT TO SCALE" note: The mountains are a LOT thicker then they are shown here.

I tried to add in a bunch of landmark locations so as to keep it from just being the area where our four made it through and that's about it. There should be a lot more, I just added in a few to get it started. Your call on whether or not they'll stay like that.

There should be a few more of those "Archways" scattered around the mountain range that only Pokemon can squeeze through to get to the valley. I singled the one out simply because it's the one we went through.

Yes, some of the names are horrible. While I do like to think that I have a...decent enough imagination, it doesn't extend to names.

I considered adding a few ruins in the large empty area to the west of the Pokemon Village (Which, by the way, again, not to scale), but then I realized it would make no sense. Darklight Tower was someone who DID make it through deciding to settle down. To clarify, the human is long gone and the building is now inhabited mainly by dark and ghost-types.

I'd imagine there are areas beyond the mountain range, from fiery areas and volcanoes to frozen valleys. I didn't go into too much detail, but I can add some, if you so desire.

K_H, tell me what I should try to change and I'll try...a bit later, as of this post I have to leave in ~40-45 minutes for ~2-3 hours.

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