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My parents have been on vacation at home for 2 weeks. On Monday they'll be heading back to work. It'll be an unusual feeling...

Still hoping that E16 introduces Breloom as a non-Mystery Egg mon so I can replace Magnezone...


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Since i've got a Pokésona and a Fursona that are different, I'm only at the Fursona stage. I'm considering getting both a Pokésuit and a Fursuit made, but I'll wait until I get back to the USA before doing so if I do get them made.

Ah yes, the Tiers of Furry-dom, according to me.

Here they are:

Tier 0: Non-Furry. The vast majority of people are this.

Tier 1: Closet. This is the tier of those who are Furries but don't admit it to their peers. Many people who have more of an affinity for animals than humans are of this variety, providing they haven't advanced to the next stage.

Tier 2: Self-proclaimed. These people have admitted that they are Furries, but haven't gotten around to creating a Fursona.

Tier 3: Fursona. Creating a Fursona is kind of like a rite of passage for Furries. The number of Fursonas that you have doesn't affect your Tier. Pokésonas count as Fursonas, and are what Pokémon fans that are also furries tend to default to.

Tier 4: Fursuit/Pokésuit. Not all Furries advance to this tier or higher; many are content at being merely Tier 3 Furries. However, this Tier and the ones above it are the ones that most Tier 0 people think of when someone mentions a Furry, especially for Fursuits.

Tier 5: Blurred-Line. These people tend to wear their Fursuits or Pokésuits a lot. Yiff often starts to pop up at this stage, although it rarely occurs at lower tiers. It's not guaranteed to pop up, though.


Edited by K_H
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