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Predict the Next Person to Post


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Everyone makes their appearance in this thread. When you are new, you enjoy playing in the Arcade. Then, you find your place in the other parts of the forum. Usually those who end up in the Troubleshooting section take more responsibility. They come and go, but the thread remains. Some return to remember the feeling of when we were newbies here, others never return or do so just to take a quick glance and leave.

With that, I'll guess Spineblade.

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Yeah, I've noticed that too. A fair few people, Dhan, Halloween, Viri, mde, TRHS, etc. just don't come here often anymore.

I already had a rant on this subject ;~;

Everyone makes their appearance in this thread. When you are new, you enjoy playing in the Arcade. Then, you find your place in the other parts of the forum. Usually those who end up in the Troubleshooting section take more responsibility. They come and go, but the thread remains. Some return to remember the feeling of when we were newbies here, others never return or do so just to take a quick glance and leave.

When will I no longer be called a newbie I wonder?

I mean I did disappear for a while around christmas time last year, everyone was wondering where I was, I thought it was kinda sweet, but now the majority of them are gone now :c


Oh wait that's not ok around here right

Bluemoonicecream is next because I can see said person reading ;)

First of all love your name, secondly gg


Edited by BlueMoonIceCream
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I actually got my roots in Reborn City, then later on Team Building and On the Hunt. I got bored with the repetitive topics and discussions in there (although I still frequent Derogatory Trainer's Nuzlocke because that is funny). I expect activity to pick up when E16 comes out next June :P

I wonder if Nick will post again

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While I spend a lot of time on the server these days, I certainly haven't forgotten this spot. Otherwise, occasional trainer's journal, welcoming newcomers, and I'll probably pick up the SM thread when I start playing. I might start a Nuzlocke at some point and if people are interested, I might make a thread for it.


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Well, most of my posts are in the Pokemon Fan-Club, Reborn City and Team Showcase sections. What I am hoping for is to get into an RP that I would like to be a part of, as, well, you probably figured this much out, but I am a fan of RP'ing. So yeah, I really want to get into the RP section of the forums.

And I finally got around to updating a topic I posted some time ago but never got around to answering or updating how I felt.


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