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Morning. I would make today a lazy day, but homework. I guess tomorrow'll have to be the lazy day. In any case, I was thinking about the program so was trying to fix yesterday and I think I might have had a breakthrough.

...We'll see.


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Confirming that yes, I am alive. I wanted to get something done which let to another and, the next thing I know I've burned 4 hours of my day without even visiting here.

I woke up with another headache, this time from under sleeping =-=

Is there anything you can do to try and maintain a steady sleep schedule? At the very least try to wake up at a similar time.


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It was a program to write a sequence of numbers starting with 1 such that the next iteration would be the number of times each digit is said out loud, followed by that digit:

1 = "one one" -> 11

11 = "two ones" -> 21

21 = "one two, one one" -> 1211

1211 = "one one, one two, two ones" -> 111221

111221 = "three ones, two twos, one one" - > 312211

It was really complex compared to the sort of things I had been doing previously.


Edited by Spineblade
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I'm sure in C++ you can make it constexpr or template to make it constant time, but no idea if C# allows it. The algorithm's complexity is probably higher than 0(n) so it will take a long time for sure computing 100 iterations


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