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I think in C# they are called generics. They basically let you create functions and classes that work with any type. For example:

template <typename T>

void swap (T & a, T & b )


T c = a;

a = b;

b = c;


So now you can use the swap function for ints, floats, strings and basically any type that is copy constructible and assignable. You can also create generizñc containers like the std::list<T>.


Edited by Lugruf
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I...haven't watched any TV shows for a long time now. The occasional episode of something on Youtube, but that's it.

...yeah, my life's kind of "eh" right now beyond video games, and even there I've kind of stalled out a bit beyond the few I'm playing right now.


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So sorry, no.

Quota tomorrow is to trim down this Geography essay to ~500 words (from 617) and revise for a Biology test. That's quite doable, I think.


P.S. Did anyone notice the slightly Halloween-ified avatar? I might make it more obvious, add more grey and white to the scales.

Edited by Spineblade
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I thought it looked like you changed the eye color. Good thing I know I'm not crazy.

Also spine, you could also look into using delegates. They let you assign a definition to a function during runtime (you can add multiple). So for instance, you have delegate Swap. You would do Swap += baseClass.Swap. Then anytime you call the delegate Swap, it will call baseClass.Swap automatically, until you remove it from the delegate or clear the delegate out. I usually just clear the delegate because I like resetting it for each scene.


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Btw spine, I think you can use print("Mumbo Jumbo") to the same effect.

BMIC, your first lesson is data types. int is for all integers (so no decimals), float is for decimals. Then there are byte sizes for numbers. A byte contains 8 bits and can store a number between 0-255 if it doesn't accept negative numbers, and -128 up to 127 if it does (0 is on the positive side, hence the lower 127). Then you have stuff like short, long, long long, which lets you store much more precise value ranges with numerous bytes. I've never needed these so I don't know them off the top of my head. The differences are for those who need to meticulously manage memory. So now you know why you see a number get capped at 255 in some games. The highest number that can be held in an int is 2 ^ 31 - 1 because that's the limit of a 32-bit system. Since we're moving into a standard of 64-bit systems, you'll see the limit go to 2 ^ 63 - 1 in the future, except old games likely won't due to legacy issues.

Is that a good start BMIC?

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Anstane, I tried sleeping but couldn't multiple times so I'm kinda screwed at this point, my body love 12 hour naps unfortunately

And dragon I could probably try and understand it but my head is fried at the moment so I'll get back to you on that, also keep in mind I have 0 experience :|


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Also spine, you could also look into using delegates. They let you assign a definition to a function during runtime (you can add multiple). So for instance, you have delegate Swap. You would do Swap += baseClass.Swap. Then anytime you call the delegate Swap, it will call baseClass.Swap automatically, until you remove it from the delegate or clear the delegate out. I usually just clear the delegate because I like resetting it for each scene.

That sounds inefficient. Remember tgat static binding is always better for performance than dynamic binding. So, unless you are programming for a very specific device with very little RAM like an arduino or a Commodore 64 or something like that, the code bloat of the templates is preferable to the runtime binding of delegates and function pointers.


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Anstane, I tried sleeping but couldn't multiple times so I'm kinda screwed at this point, my body love 12 hour naps unfortunately

I've always slept ~8-10 hours, so I'm used to that. If you're used to sleeping 12+ hours, well, that could be more of a problem.

And if you're looking to get into coding, then there are plenty of tutorials, on Youtube and on the net.


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