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Aye, still here for 20 more minutes.

So, I've decided, apparently, that with the two bad nights and dreams, the best thing to do is to read the Nightmare Fuel page on Tvtropes...yeah, I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight.


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Yeah. Mistakes might have been made. Still, I'll try to force good dreams this night, if only to get some nice, if not-full, sleep, as well as make some progress. But that's still hours ahead.

Hope you have sweet dreams whenever you sleep, Micky.

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The same to be honest

I'm kind of excited for tomorrow though, no one probably cares but I made a deck in yugioh pro online and I love it so much and I wanted to make it a reality and use it at my locals, but as I've stated before cards are expensive, I literally have 5 cards to complete the deck, 3 copies of drowning mirror force which is like a £10-£13 card so that's £30-£39 for a playset which is 3 copies and the card I oh so love to show how ridiculously expensive it is 2 copies of pot of desires which is like the main card of the deck, for a SINGLE copy I would have to pay a MINIMUM of £60 and that's if I'm lucky, however my friend has 2 copies and has agreed to lend me them this week so I can finally use this deck and see how it stacks up competitively, I just had to replace the 3 drowning mirror force with a random assortment of cards that would work well with the deck, and I'm also preparing a side deck which I've never done before so wish me luck

No sickness is going to get in my way!


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Hope you find great success with the deck! I...did have two very old Yu-Gi-Oh card packs, don't know if I still have them.

And yeah, don't let the illness bring you down. Granted, you should still try to cure it as soon as possible, but if there's something you want to do, don't let it drag you down!


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Well...thanks for the warning.

Maybe one day I'll look around and check if I haven't thrown them away. If I find them I'll tell the cards in the decks.

Anyway, I've got something coming up, so I have to begone for another 30 minutes. After that, though, I am free.


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Honestly, there are very few mons I can say I don't like. Even those I can say I am neutral towards. I'd have to think extra hard to come up with a mon that I can say I don't like.

Do you have any mons like that, Spine?

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