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(Completed) Pokémon Reborn PULSE2 Mono-Dark Run (Part 8 & 9: Postgame Tier 6 - Tier 7 & Finale)


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Heya, i'd like to share my Playthrough of my Mono-Dark run with a twist that the opponent will have PULSE2 stat. If you have played E19 , you probably know that PULSE2 mons means that they have 252 EVs in every stat breaking the EV limit of what usual mons would have, an in addition having perfect 31 IVs in all of their stat if they didn't have perfect IVs before. Unfortunately, starting with Part 3 i won't be submitting subtitles anymore as it takes some time to do so, and i don't particularly enjoy doing the subtitles anyway. Hope you guys would enjoy it!

Edit: I've just finished Main-game so i hope anyone who's interested in this run would look forward for the postgame content! But i'll probably gonna take a break before continuing this run, doing part 5 has drained me a lot, mainly due to me trying to win with no casualties at all, but i did it. I've also made a Tier List for all the obtainable Dark-Types in Reborn , which i'll be putting in down below and these are based on my experiences so i'm sorry if the tier list is a bit too biased. This tier list is also for Main-Game only, i might make another one if i managed to finish Postgame.

Edit 2: I've Finished Postgame. Thank you very much for anyone who kept track of me since the beginning. I really appreciate it! I'm not sure about the Boss Rush or the Devs, thought i might just do it.


Tierlist for Maingame (based on Experience)




Tierlist for Maingame & Postgame (Also based on Experience)



The Rules:
1. I can only use Dark-Type Pokémon or one that will turn into a Dark-Type upon evolving. For Mega Evolutions that turn into a Dark-Type (In this run’s case, Mega-Gyarados) , on the turn i bring the Pokémon, i cannot switch and have to Mega-Evolve the turn i bring the Pokémon out.
2. Due to the PULSE2 password, all opposing trainers will always have a team of Pokémons with 252 EVs in each stats, breaking the 508 EV limit which each Pokémon are supposed to have. In addition to that, they also have perfect 31 IVs in each stats.
3. Battle mode is always on ‘set’ and i can’t use any items in battle.
4. There will be a Hard Level Cap that i activate through the use of a Password.
5. (Soft Rule) If i cannot get pass through certain battle by any means, i will use more than one Pokémon of the same species on those battles.

6. I will allow the use of Silvally, however Silvally must always hold into its corresponding Memory

Passwords used:






-fullivs (used after defeating Florinia)

Part 1: Fern 1 - Kiki
Part 2: Aster & Eclipse 3 - Luna
Part 3: Alistasia - Ciel

Part 4: Adrienn - Hardy
Part 5: Zero - Lin 
Part 6: Postgame Tier 0 - Tier 3

Part 7: Postgame Tier 4 - Tier 5

Part 8: Postgame Tier 6 - Tier 7

Part 9: Finale



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Part 2 is up and now i can start working towards Agate! Making these subtitles really take some time, perhaps i should shorten then next time. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Part 2: Aster & Eclipse 3 - Luna



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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 3 is up! It's basically the entire Agate segment of the story, i've put the sets i used in the description, and unfortunately i won't be able to upload or update the run not until some time soon due to irl reasons. I also decided that i won't be adding subtitles/captions into my videos anymore so i'm sorry if there are any people who look forward to it. Hope you guys enjoy it! My Personal Favorite battle in this video could perhaps be Terra or Blake.


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  • 1 month later...

Heya, it's been a while, i've been busy in irl, but now i have made part 4! I consider this part my masterpiece as in every battle in this video, not a single of my mon has fainted, that's right, everything is a 6-0! I've started to strive for this in the middle of creating this, and my future parts/runs will be trying to do as less loss/fainted mons as possible or a 6-0 if possible. I do will have certain comments on certain battles that i thought i should have did in my previous parts. I'd also like to mention that i'm only going to show Amaria's Gym Battle only in Reshiram Route because her Zekrom Route team is nearly identical and i don't feel like showing 4 different parts that are similar to its counterpart.

-The Lumberjacks in the beginning of Sandy Quest : is a contender for the most difficult fight in this run so far, next to Florinia, doing this fight has drained me so much, i can't even find a consistent strategy to beat this fight even without trying to do this deathless, but i eventually did it! Unfortunately i win with only Acupressure Drapion, and i have changed a lot of my mon's moveset for this fight so changing their moveset back is a hassle. I'd also like to mention that even though this fight was done after i beat Amaria, which means this is my last restoration project, i used common candies to reduce my mon's levels to 80 to match the levels of my mons right after beating Adrienn because all restoration projects are equally available after beating Adrienn.

-Corin Rouge : Klefki lead means a recipe for a DD Scrafty sweep and i'm sure some people might think that has happened way too much so i beat him with Houndoom.

-Reshiram : I had to EV train Pangoro to max out its HP/SpD and changed it's nature to Careful, used a Calm Mint on Houndoom, and used an Adamant Mint on Scrafty.

-Titania : This took much shorter than reshi lol, i only need to use the Timid Mint to change back Houndoom's nature.

-Amaria Singles : I had to use the EV Tuner on Pangoro back to HP/Atk and changing its nature back to Adamant, and i bred a special attacking Cacturne with Nasty Plot

-Amaria Doubles : Changed Greninja's HP type to Electric (also in singles), changed it back to Fire after this fight.
-Hardy : I had to specifically breed a Scrafty with Quick Guard to block out Lycanroc-Dusk's Accelerock, due to immune to fake out thanks to its Def Boost with its Seed, not a single Dark-Type had access to Quick Guard outside of breeding so i kinda need to do it.


I think that's all i needed to say so i hope you guys would enjoy this! 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, it's been a while. I've been working on Part 5 and oh boy it's an experience i suppose. I hope anyone who watches it will enjoy it! Remember when i say part 4 was a Masterpiece? Well, this is an even bigger masterpiece where i managed to win every battle without losing a single mon, it does require some time and my sanity. As always i will provide description to certain battles that i'd like to mention. But first i'd like to add that i'm battling the Wandering Spirits in their level which is 95, and this is a bit annoying as i need to use Common Candies everytime my mon gets to level 96, but at least they're cheap and it's not that difficult to bring them back to level 95, what's cumbersome is that i had to go reteach my mon certain moves to beat certain Spirits which takes some time. But i had a blast beating most of the spirits.

Opinions on certain battles:


- Eve & Lumi ft. Cal : Cal was right when he said this matchup was awkward, indeed it was more than awkward. Multi-Battles are fun. So this fight is very difficult to win without any casualties due to many random secondary effects/Misses that could happen in the battle, in the video itself, Lumi's Lapras missed a Blizzard on Greninja but this does not matter at all, Greninja could survive (because i've done this fight way too many times) and i have other mons that holds Eject Button to pivot anyway so yeah. Considering Lumi had 2 Snow Cloak mons and 2 Hail setters.. yeah this was not a fun battle to do.

-Wandering Spirit Diana : What's funny is that she is the very first Spirit, and the reason she was hard to beat was of her E-Speed Dragonite , which is boosted by the field, and IS Super Effective to Dark Types. What does that leave me with the "resists" ? Tyranitar and Bisharp. Tyranitar gets stopped by Scizor and Bisharp has difficulty in sweeping the rest of her team, but eventually i managed to win after changing Ttar's nature to Adamant, giving it Babiri Berry, and some sleep magic to Dragonite. Honorable Mentions for somewhat difficult Spirits goes to Godot, Jonah, Troy, and Ikaru, for Ikaru i had to breed specific mon to beat him and i don't like having to do that just to beat one fight so he gets a mention. If anything Diana is teaching me that Holy Field is trouble for Dark-Types.

-Elias : So, remember the Dragonite from before? What if it was banded? What if he also have a Kommo-O with its Z-Move? What if he also has Ditto to stop T-tar from Rampaging? We've got Elias which easily is the hardest Elite Four member for me to face, Bennett and Laura was surprisingly easy, some Spirits are harder than Heather, and Anna is a bit difficult, but all i need was the preparation. I had to win against Elias by using an EV Tuner to swap Greninja's Speed EV to its Special Defense EV, this make sure after Noivern, he'll send out Ditto, this will lead to finishing Drampa with Honchkrow which no one in my party could switch into it, i need to get Honchkrow unscathed against Drampa, and then get into the Stone Edge Lottery where i have to hit a lot of Stone Edge, and make sure i don't get critted by Ditto's own Stone Edge while i set up enough DD to make sure Ttar could OHKO Mega Kanga with Stone Edge. I also had to use the Non-Existent HP Fairy to KO Kommo-O and bringing Spite on Muk to make sure D-nite ran out of E-Speed PP.


-Anna : So, anna was quite difficult because i relied on Sableye (This was the 3rd team for the E4 + Lin, i used Sableye on the previous teams) and this time i had to make sure Bisharp could take 2 EQ from Metagross without Sableye, how do i do that? 


1. used 1 EV Tuner to swap Bisharp's Atk stat and its Defense stat
2. used 3 Tamato Berries on Bisharp to lower its speed EVs by 60
3. used 1 Grepa Berry to reduce its 6 SpD EVs to 0 
4. used 1 Protein, giving it 32 Atk EVs
5. used 1 HP Up, giving it 32 HP EVs


with this Bisharp has maxed out its EVs and therefore has been EV'd specifically for Anna, it could survive 2 EQ from -1 Mega Metagross while OHKO'ing it back with Field Boosted +2 Black Hole Eclipse, OHKO Starmie and Gardevoir with Boosted +2 Sucker Punch, and Outspeed Sylveon, and Thankfully Incineroar could 1v1 Jirachi despite being Tailor made to beat Lin's Celesteela & Hydreigon.


-Lin 1 : I made Bisharp's stat back to normal with Vitamins and friendship berries that's buyable in the department stores. I also used an EV Booster on Bisharp. I only have footage of her team with Conkeldurr. Conk has Mach Punch and Togekiss in the alternate route doesn't even have a Fairy Move so i don't think it's necessary to record the alternate version of this fight since it's harder with Conk.


-Lin 2 (Both Routes) : So this is the battle where Lin will send Arceus last, and i will not proceed my save file with this so i used my one PP All to Muk to make sure Muk could stall out BOTH Clefable and Arceus. The latter two member of the team, Muk and Incineroar were added specifically for both of Lin's New World battle, with specific EV Spread and nature as well, the main difference between these 2 fights are that on Lin Route Honchkrow beats Mismagius & Hydreigon, while on Anna Smiles route Honchkrow beats Mismagius and Flygon, Incineroar KOs Hydreigon with Dragonium-Z, and Lin 3 fight was just a lottery to see if Muk could stall out Arceus, though i don't use my PP All in this one because i intend to proceed with this save file.


This is the video, so i hope you guys would enjoy it! 


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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Axelyx said:

There’s so many E19 mono dark runs on YouTube, but I think your no-death rule is certainly most challenging since it bans destiny bond cheese strats, great job!

Also I imagine you just clicked 99 when buying eject buttons

Much thanks! Tbh, i'm kinda interested to see if i could do a no deaths in early parts of the game since i started to do this rule right after i beat ciel which is starting from part 4, but i think some battles might be impossible to do due to the limited options looking at you Florinia & Shelly , but doing it all over again from the beginning feels like a hassle, which is why i don't add "no death" or "no casualty" in the title since part 1-3 doesn't have this rule. And... i actually bought eject buttons like around 50-ish every visit though i'll probably just buy 99 next time i need to since i'm currently in the middle of postgame and i haven't had the need to buy any other item other than focus sashes and eject buttons.

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Heya it's me, Postgame has been a blast for most of the time, and i'd like to share that with you! So here it goes, as usual no deaths or any use of seeds. Also sorry for the abrupt cut between Sandy & John i hope i won't be making mistakes like this again

Opinions on Certain battles: 


Anomaly Entei : Legit this took me some time and had to breed a Weavile with Fake Out, Specs Primarina is something man
Anomaly Keldeo : This is legit really hard, i really hate multi battles lol, you can see how much i'm suffering from the EV spread of my Greninja, everything has to be precise and i have to make no mistake if i'm doing this Deathless
Umbral Radomus & Anomaly Gardevoir : I had to finally breed Krookodile with Fire Fang, i was hesitant throughout my playthrough wether or not i should do it but i finally do in this run, other than that this fight is a bit annoying as i need to hit all of my Rock Slides
Cass (But you didn't pet Glaceon) : I found this easier than the regular Cass because this one had no fairies!
Anomaly Meloetta : Surprisingly easy. I found myself in an easier time than in my casual playthrough i did months ago, it just shows how much i'm used to my dark-types
E4 Rematch  w/Flora : had to breed a sableye with Imprison because of Elias, you know the deal , Holy Field bad for Dark Types etc. Elias w/Flora is also arguably the hardest either this or Anomaly Keldeo , because of how much i need to hit my low Accuracy moves, thankfully my F12 button is still intact.
Train Gauntlet : I almost lose my mind doing this gauntlet, i don't have anything much to say other than Multi-battles being annoying because you're not able to control your partner/able to use your own mons

Everything else is kinda easy ngl



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  • 1 month later...

Heya guys, sorry for the long hiatus on this series, a lot of things had happened during october and some of the stuff that happened aren't exactly the best thing that has ever happened so i was depressed for a while and was really unmotivated to continue the run but i've completed tier 4 & 5 because the total amounts to almost one and a half hour, and i'll probably take a break for a while before continuing , but i'll try to make the next video uploaded before the next year.. probably. These footages are taken at least more than 2 weeks ago, so i'm sorry if this video was a bit too late. In any case, these were quite difficult but i will write my opinions on certain battles that i found notable (yes i still remember them despite it being more than 2 weeks has passed since i recorded them), and i hope you'd enjoy the video. As usual, these were Deathless.

Opinions on Certain Battles: 


The Tapus: These were fun to do, but Lele was quite difficult so i had to grab the prison bottle first to get access to Hoopa-Unbound to beat Lele.
Latias & Latios: This was quite difficult lol, and the flinch on cradily was actually useful because it led Cobalion to try and finish off Cradily which lets Krook keep its Substitute.
Anomaly Diancie: Surprisingly Easy. I was expecting to struggle more but i guess quantity is better than quality.
Orphanage Gauntlet: This took a few tries, even took me a day and more to beat the entire gauntlet, mainly because i had some moveset that are good against anna & noel, but terrible against Laura & Charlotte, so i had to adjust my team to be able to beat Noel & Anna, then Charlotte & Laura, then i adjust my team again to be able to defeat the aforementioned opponents + Lin. I was a bit lucky against Lin, got a few crucial Flinches from Krookodile, but i don't feel like doing more of this lol, so i'll also let you guys know that in multi-battles, i'll take advantage of any hax i got, because i have been resetting even if i got lucky against my opponent for the past 6 Videos. 
Anomaly Shaymin: You can see that i tried using embargo, failed, and somehow still win. It was my first attempt at it too. Crazy.
Craudburry 3: This was fun to do!
Anomaly Genesect 5 w/Hardy: Hell, this is one fight where i spend so much time in this one battle. The previous 4 fights were a walk in the park, but this one is just stupidly much more difficult.
PULSE Tangrowth: Hell 2: Electric Boogaloo. Very difficult fight, know what does this fight has in common with Genesect 5? Muddy Water. If i got some accuracy drops from Muddy Water, i might as well reset, there is just too many things happening, like secondary effects/crit happening at the wrong time, and it's just too difficult to win deathless with a lot of things happening, especially in this fight, where the opponent is stupidly bulky, the entire team was made around this fight, that's why this fight is the last one during the nightmare.

Umbral Corey: I actually Deliberately used the same 6 mons (not literally the same, but you get the point) during my battle with Borealis/Corey back in Video 1, this was difficult, and i did this because my initial win against him was just a boring Moxie Krookodile sweep.
Anomaly Palkia & Dialga & Umbral Taka: The only thing that i struggle here is to hit both dark voids with Darkrai. If it succeeds and the opponents get 1 sleep turn each then i win. That's all i need.

That's all i gotta say, the rest were okay-ish. I found the trainers that i need to fought before Umbral Kiki more difficult than Umbral Kiki itself as a honorable mention.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys, i've finished Tier 6 & Tier 7 , while also beating the Final Gauntlets on both routes with no fainted mons. Thank you so much if you've been watching my videos since part one. I don't think i'll do Boss Rushes & Dev Room but let's just see. However this time i won't be telling what my thoughts are about, i'll just summarize it really quickly.


Basically, I've spend so much time in Umbral Amaria + Kyogre not knowing the fact that the Volcanion on Kyogre's side is just a sitting duck if you have a mon with Wide Guard. This lets me abuse that fact and seize an opportunity to win with Role Play Hoopa, but even then i believe there are harder fights than this, or the gauntlets that i've already done. The others are.. well they're all right i guess it's not too bad. As for the Gauntlets, Lin's could've potentially be harder because i rely on Sleep. Meanwhile i only have to fight with 2 Paralysis turns with Umbreon on Anna's Route, I spend more time with Anna's because i wanted to find some way to boost Krookodile's Power Trip.


In any Case, I hope you're enjoying these 2 videos.


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