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Classroom Field Effect


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As someone who absolutely loves the field effect system, I've always wanted to design one myself. So, just for fun, I came up with a new possible field: The Classroom Field

The general theme of this field is themed after a middle/high school and has a focus on things such as learning, bullying, popularity/secrets etc.

As far as where this field could appear in game, it would definately fit in the Onyx trainers school. In another world, I could see this field being used by an early game normal type leader, kind of like Cheren from BW2. 


Anyway, here are the effects that I came up with:


General Effects:
Sleeping Pokemon wake up each turn
Fighting Moves > 70 BP get disabled after use (or cause a recharge turn)

(Pokemon was sent to detention!)

Confusion damage is based on Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense stat


Abilities Affected:
Analytic: Boost increased from 1.3x to 1.5x
Hustle: Doesn't suffer from lowered accuracy
Prankster: Gains Speed when switched in
Rivalry: Boost is active reguardless of gender
Schooling: Always Active
Unaware: Has 2x chance of getting confused

Anticipation: Raises Pokemon's Defense and Sp. Defense on entry if it activates.

Simple: Loses it's effect (acts like no ability at all)




Moves with a 1.2x incease in damage
Hyper Voice



Low Sweep


Moves with a 2x incease in damage
Low Kick

Beat Up


Slam + Body Slam: can't miss and 1.5x damage increase
(Pokemon was slammed into a locker!)

Confusion: 1.5x damage and double chance to confuse target
Amnesia: Additionally confuses the user
Sharpen: Raises Special Attack in addition to Attack

Calm Mind: +2 Sp. Defense +2 Sp. Attack (Amplified stat change)
Swagger: Can't Miss
Torment: Additionally lowers opponents Defense and Special Defense
Slack Off: Heals for 25% of Max HP
Sucker Punch: Succeeds even if target uses a status move

Captivate: Additionally lowers opponents Defense.

Fake Tears: Additionally lowers opponents Defense 2 stages


Here are a few moves that I think should be affected in the field, but I can't decide what effects they should have. I would love to hear any ideas the community might have.

Heal Bell: 
Trick Room:


Stomping Tantrum:


Nature Power -> Instruct
Secret Power -> May confuse
Synthetic Seed -> Raises lowest stat by 2 stages


Transitions to other fields:

Splintered Stormshards will terminate this field.


Transitions to Classroom Field:

Summoned by using Instruct on two different Pokemon.


I had a lot of fun coming up with this ficticious field, and would seriously love to hear what everyone thinks.

Is it balanced?

What other abilities/moves could be affected?

What could a gym leader's team who uses this field look like?

Anything else I missed?

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I love this idea overall! Not too broken and I guess a field centered around confusion and knowledge makes sense. Some guesses, not that any of these are balanced really:


Substitute: Probably this is sorta broken but it could be amusing on top of your Slack Off change to do "A substitute has entered the battle! All Pokemon used Slack Off" and all get 25% for free. I guess that would make the user not lose any HP in net though so maybe that's too much.


If Nature Power is going to going to be Instruct, maybe it should get a boost. Perhaps something like raising the targets highest stat by a stage?


Heal Bell: Raises user/partner speed (to get to the next class w only 3 minutes or something lol)


Trick Room: Maybe just to nerf trick room it would be funny to say "The teacher disapproved of pokemon's tricks" and have it go from 5 -> 3 turns or 8 -> 5 w amp rock? Idk


Stomping Tantrum: Maybe always at 150 bp but you lose your turn afterwards


Copycat: For cheating on a test you have a 50% chance of gaining Sp Atk and Sp Def and 50% chance of losing 50% HP for getting caught, lol


Perfect for a normal gym like you said and it would be most fitting for a boosting/confusion centered Psychic team or maybe a Normal type team to punish Fighting move users. Either way Oranguru is a perfect ace!

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So I thought of some stuff that can be affected too (I was focused on signature abilities in particular), here are my ideas, some of them are debatable and I didn't think of balance though


Tangling Hair - "Teachers don't approve! <Pokemon> is penalised for violating dress code!"; opposing Pokemon may become infatuated ("Rebellion is cool! <Pokemon> has earned fans!"), dunno what the penalty should be

Poison Heal - Pokemon recovers some HP (dunno how much) when hit by Taunt or Torment

Stench - Effect similar to that of Rage Powder/Pokemon is forced to switch out once it's hit ("Ew, <Pokemon> stinks! Everyone wants to be rid of it!")

Truant - Now, you'd expect a debuff, but it may actually be the opposite, like how slackers sometimes just get away with everything, dunno what kind of buff tho

Normalize - Some kind of buff as the Pokemon tries to blend in with "the cool kids" and be "normal"

Stall - "<Pokemon> tries to stall the teacher till the bell rings!", still not sure what that would do

Toxic Boost - Attack up one stage when hit by Taunt or Torment

Colour Change - Same as Normalize, or at least similar to it

Battery - Electric types drain this Pokemon's HP, similar to leech seed, and the Pokemon gets benefits in return (or there's a condition for getting benefits, or simply a set chance), benefits can include boosting a random stat, restoring HP or healing a status


Edit: Also, Stance Change can have an effect similar to that of Normalize/Colour Change, as the Pokemon "changes its stance" on things to fit in; this way Aegislash also can be a decent counter to this field

Edited by alisekoroleva
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19 hours ago, BIGJRA said:

I love this idea overall! Not too broken and I guess a field centered around confusion and knowledge makes sense. Some guesses, not that any of these are balanced really:


Substitute: Probably this is sorta broken but it could be amusing on top of your Slack Off change to do "A substitute has entered the battle! All Pokemon used Slack Off" and all get 25% for free. I guess that would make the user not lose any HP in net though so maybe that's too much.


If Nature Power is going to going to be Instruct, maybe it should get a boost. Perhaps something like raising the targets highest stat by a stage?


Heal Bell: Raises user/partner speed (to get to the next class w only 3 minutes or something lol)


Trick Room: Maybe just to nerf trick room it would be funny to say "The teacher disapproved of pokemon's tricks" and have it go from 5 -> 3 turns or 8 -> 5 w amp rock? Idk


Stomping Tantrum: Maybe always at 150 bp but you lose your turn afterwards


Copycat: For cheating on a test you have a 50% chance of gaining Sp Atk and Sp Def and 50% chance of losing 50% HP for getting caught, lol


Perfect for a normal gym like you said and it would be most fitting for a boosting/confusion centered Psychic team or maybe a Normal type team to punish Fighting move users. Either way Oranguru is a perfect ace!

I love the idea for Heal Bell, and Substitute is really funny to me lol.


The buff to Instruct is a solid idea as well because I also pictured Oranguru as an Ace along with Pokemon like Girafarig and Snorlax in a doubles battle.


Also, I need to say that you did an amazing job on the Rejuvenation guide @BIGJRA! It seriously got me through the game, so thank you for the great work! Looking forward to reading through the Reborn one when it's finished to see anything that I might've missed 👍 

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Nice! I especially like the recharge for Fighting moves, it made me laugh, and it'd make this the perfect field effect for a Normal type gym leader. With a buff for Truant, Slaking would be absolutely terrifying.


Suggestions: Play Rough could be one of the moves that gets a 1.2x boost? And Camouflage could turn the user into either a Normal type (same explanation as the one alise gave for Normalize/Color Change) or a Psychic type (since it's associated with intelligence).

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