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Reborn Mod - No more healingless gauntlets


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Hey everyone!

A common source of frustration for me (and most likely many others) throughout my playthroughs of Reborn have been gauntlets or simply sequences of fights where you didn't get healed inbetween and had to go into the fight with reduced hp and pp. This obviously makes these fights twice as hard as they would otherwise be (especially if you're playing without items).


But as luck would have it I recently found out how to open Reborn in RPGMaker (which looking back is kinda embarrassing that it took this long since it wasn't really difficult) and over the span of 2 hours, eliminated the issue.


I present my first ever mod: No more no healingless gauntlets or NMHG for short (ok that actually sounds very dumb so let's not use the acronym).


What are the features you might ask, well:


The Base module:

  • Eustace gauntlet(Mega-Z ring quest finale)
  • Glass Gauntlet: your team gets fully revived before the third fight instead of just healed
  • From here on spoilers for the end of the main game and the post game
    • Lin 3
    • Aegir Cave gauntlet on Anna route (Tier 7)
    • New World Asylum for both routes

The E4 and Celebi module:

  • You get auto healed after the E4 and Champion battles (this is true even for the postgame rematches)
  • You get auto healed after the fights in the Celebi quest


The reason why I separated the mod into two modules is because I know many people would feel that getting healed after every E4 battle kinda defeats the resource management challenge and would weaken the experience. Same goes for the Celebi quest, since it can be considered another E4 run, Champion and all. I personally think that by the time you do these events you're already stocked full on revives, pp restores and potions, so the only way they can pose a resource management challenge is if you hardcore item spam.


To install, just simply put the downloaded Map files into the Data folder in the Reborn folder and replace the already existing ones. Although be sure to make a backup of them in case you want to uninstall.


If you find any issues with the mod feel free to comment it under this post and I'll hopefully look into it if I remember I even made this post a week later.

I hope you enjoy!!!!

Reborn Healing Gauntlets - Base.rar Reborn Healing gauntlets - E4 and Celebi.rar

Edited by JMark45
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