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New to Pokemon hacks/mods, looking for Opinions & Suggestions on Team.


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So I'm not entirely sure if Reborn is just scaled real heavily and I get walloped alot (granted I do win first try quite a bit, but I shamefully reset more and retry the battle) or if I just need to change up my team/strategy at all, which is why I wanted to post here cause I'm not too keen on modern team building. I havent played Pokemon games in a looong time lol. Probably like gen 3-4 was my last but I REALLY enjoy Reborn its loads of fun. I cant wait to play through it a second and third time, but would really like to learn more about what I could do differently/change up, better team builds, etc. So this is what I'm currently rocking with. Can probably tell I'm safely sticking to what I know from older gens.

Jolteon - Thunderbolt / Volt Switch / Thunder wave / Signal Beam
Tyranitar - Stone Edge, Earthquake, Crunch, Stealth Rock
Gengar (Usually use Wise Glasses) - Energy Ball / Shadow Ball / Sludge Bomb / Dazzling Gleam
Lapras - Surf / Ice Beam / Toxic / Freeze-Dry
Medicham - Fire Punch / Zen headbutt / Drain Punch / Bullet Punch
Salamence - Dragon Claw / Dragon Dance / Fire Fang / Fly

I usually use Salamence as a sweeper if I can get DD off without taking a heavy hit, and it works out most times aslong as they dont get 1 shotted, or dropped <100hp & Gengar is my type coverage, usually picks up if Salamence drops off. Tried running hypnosis/will-o-wisp + Hex + Wide Lens and maybe my RNG is just awful but alot of misses lol.

Any and all advice would be great. Nearing the end of the game I dont wanna hit a brick wall and fall flat. Even if its just some move changes, EV's, etc. I'd be happy to take them. Thanks!









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My opinion is to change your medicham’s nature to +speed, outspending the enemy is often more important than extra firepower in reborn. And maybe salamence, but it has ddance so I’m not sure.


As for movesets,

  1. Medicham - HJK over drain punch for me, the former gets a lot more of OHKOs, and mega medicham is somewhat frail and doesn’t need that extra recovery most of the time.
  2. Salamence - you can experiment roost over fire fang for longevity, since you have ice type coverage on other mons. This works better with intimidate, since it lets mence have more setup opportunities. But salamence is very flexible so you can change the sets according to the enemy.
  3. Tyranitar - Are rocks compatible with assault vest? xD EV wise, I’d always spec 252hp first for a bulky set, if you’re running vest then additional 252 def might be good. Also, sandstorm already gives rock mons 1.5x spdef boost so you can try leftovers too. Then you can use rest + toxic, or some other cheese sets if you like 😈

As for the other mons I’m not too sure (rarely use them before), but I can give you some other generally good suggestions:

       1.  Rotom-wash - Will-o-wisp / Volt Switch / Hydro Pump / Snatch (flexible) 252 Speed, 252 HP or SpA, Leftovers 

A really good support mon, will-o-wisp to cripple physical attackers, volt switch for pivoting, screens or hydro pump depending on the situation, it’s a really flexible mon. Plus, levitate allows you to predict ground type attacks and give it free switch ins. I suggest it to replace jolteon, since jolteon is a little one-dimensional.


       2.  Aegislash - King’s Shield / Swords Dance / Shadow Sneak / Iron Head, 252 HP, 252 SpDef, Leftovers

A bulky setup sweeper set, really a good mon against the AI. Because of it’s two forms, setting up is really easy, and it can decimate whole teams after setting up successfully. Might need a little time to understand it’s mechanics, but once you do, it can solo even (some) of the toughest fights.

       3.  Other than that, Volcarona and nature power Mega Sceptile are good options for special attackers as well.


Ok that’s a ton, but it’s what I can come up with, only personal experience though :3 In reborn, getting thrashed is really a common thing, especially for the first time, so it’s good to have some mons in rotation as well! Have fun with the game~

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Your team looks quite solid and if you've gotten this far you'll probably be fine going forward.

One thing I do feel like your current team might be lacking is one or two 'mons that can clean house in Doubles matches, you'll want to be able to win those with minimal to no losses on your side. Heat Waves under Sun or on Grassy Field have been putting in heavy lifting for me in many fights; Dazzling Gleam also gets better the farther you get into postgame from my experience. Since you're already running Tyranitar a Sand Rush Excadrill with Swords Dance, Earthquake and Rock Slide would likely be a good choice for you.

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On 8/19/2022 at 2:48 AM, Axelyx said:

My opinion is to change your medicham’s nature to +speed, outspending the enemy is often more important than extra firepower in reborn. And maybe salamence, but it has ddance so I’m not sure.


As for movesets,

  1. Medicham - HJK over drain punch for me, the former gets a lot more of OHKOs, and mega medicham is somewhat frail and doesn’t need that extra recovery most of the time.
  2. Salamence - you can experiment roost over fire fang for longevity, since you have ice type coverage on other mons. This works better with intimidate, since it lets mence have more setup opportunities. But salamence is very flexible so you can change the sets according to the enemy.
  3. Tyranitar - Are rocks compatible with assault vest? xD EV wise, I’d always spec 252hp first for a bulky set, if you’re running vest then additional 252 def might be good. Also, sandstorm already gives rock mons 1.5x spdef boost so you can try leftovers too. Then you can use rest + toxic, or some other cheese sets if you like 😈

As for the other mons I’m not too sure (rarely use them before), but I can give you some other generally good suggestions:

       1.  Rotom-wash - Will-o-wisp / Volt Switch / Hydro Pump / Snatch (flexible) 252 Speed, 252 HP or SpA, Leftovers 

A really good support mon, will-o-wisp to cripple physical attackers, volt switch for pivoting, screens or hydro pump depending on the situation, it’s a really flexible mon. Plus, levitate allows you to predict ground type attacks and give it free switch ins. I suggest it to replace jolteon, since jolteon is a little one-dimensional.


       2.  Aegislash - King’s Shield / Swords Dance / Shadow Sneak / Iron Head, 252 HP, 252 SpDef, Leftovers

A bulky setup sweeper set, really a good mon against the AI. Because of it’s two forms, setting up is really easy, and it can decimate whole teams after setting up successfully. Might need a little time to understand it’s mechanics, but once you do, it can solo even (some) of the toughest fights.

       3.  Other than that, Volcarona and nature power Mega Sceptile are good options for special attackers as well.


Ok that’s a ton, but it’s what I can come up with, only personal experience though :3 In reborn, getting thrashed is really a common thing, especially for the first time, so it’s good to have some mons in rotation as well! Have fun with the game~

I have no idea mostly how weather/field effects change stuff off the cuff yet so I didnt even know that about sandstorm giving a natural 1.5x lol. And no rocks doesnt work with AV but I swap between AV and leftovers alot thats the only reason he had it on :P

Also wow... I Had no idea freeze reduced sp.atk by half, and burn reduced physical attack by half. Ontop of paralysis reducing speed by like 25-50%

man... I've been living under a rock. This is all so new to me

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On 8/19/2022 at 7:05 AM, Gentleman Jaggi said:

Your team looks quite solid and if you've gotten this far you'll probably be fine going forward.

One thing I do feel like your current team might be lacking is one or two 'mons that can clean house in Doubles matches, you'll want to be able to win those with minimal to no losses on your side. Heat Waves under Sun or on Grassy Field have been putting in heavy lifting for me in many fights; Dazzling Gleam also gets better the farther you get into postgame from my experience. Since you're already running Tyranitar a Sand Rush Excadrill with Swords Dance, Earthquake and Rock Slide would likely be a good choice for you.

Who would you swap out for the Excadrill? Gengar/Jolteon?

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10 hours ago, Amaatsu said:

Who would you swap out for the Excadrill? Gengar/Jolteon?

Swap out whichever one you feel you've been relying on the least. Personally I'd say swap out Lapras, but I've never used one so I don't actually know how well it performs.


10 hours ago, Amaatsu said:

I have no idea mostly how weather/field effects change stuff off the cuff yet so I didnt even know that about sandstorm giving a natural 1.5x lol.

Also wow... I Had no idea freeze reduced sp.atk by half, and burn reduced physical attack by half. Ontop of paralysis reducing speed by like 25-50%

short bullet points on weather:

 - Rain: boosts Water moves; nerfs Fire moves; Thunder and Hurricane gain 100% Accuracy

 - Sun: boosts Fire moves; nerfs Water moves; Solar Beam doesn't need to charge; Thunder and Hurricane have 50% Accuracy

 - Sandstorm: damage each turn except for Pokemon that aren't Rock, Steel or Ground Types; x1.5 SpDef for Rock Types

 - Hail: damage each turn except for Ice Types; Blizzard gains 100% Accuracy; enables setting up Aurora Veil (combined Reflect+Light Screen)

There are a few more effects related to specific Pokémon and moves but the above points are the most important ones imo. Each weather also activates certain Abilities, such as Sand Rush doubling Speed while Sandstorm is active.

There are also held Items for each weather that increase the duration of their respective weather by three turns if held by the Pokémon setting it up. These work with both Abilities and moves that generate weather; giving your Tyranitar a Smooth Rock to hold for example will increase the duration from 5 to 8 turns.



Also wow... I Had no idea freeze reduced sp.atk by half, and burn reduced physical attack by half. Ontop of paralysis reducing speed by like 25-50%

Freeze reducing SpAtk is a feature that is not present in Reborn since that was introduced with Legend:Arceus; for the most part Reborn still runs on Ultra Sun/Moon (Generation 7) mechanics and movesets. Burn and Paralysis in Reborn do reduce the respective stats since that's something they've always done.

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5 hours ago, Gentleman Jaggi said:

Swap out whichever one you feel you've been relying on the least. Personally I'd say swap out Lapras, but I've never used one so I don't actually know how well it performs.


short bullet points on weather:

 - Rain: boosts Water moves; nerfs Fire moves; Thunder and Hurricane gain 100% Accuracy

 - Sun: boosts Fire moves; nerfs Water moves; Solar Beam doesn't need to charge; Thunder and Hurricane have 50% Accuracy

 - Sandstorm: damage each turn except for Pokemon that aren't Rock, Steel or Ground Types; x1.5 SpDef for Rock Types

 - Hail: damage each turn except for Ice Types; Blizzard gains 100% Accuracy; enables setting up Aurora Veil (combined Reflect+Light Screen)

There are a few more effects related to specific Pokémon and moves but the above points are the most important ones imo. Each weather also activates certain Abilities, such as Sand Rush doubling Speed while Sandstorm is active.

There are also held Items for each weather that increase the duration of their respective weather by three turns if held by the Pokémon setting it up. These work with both Abilities and moves that generate weather; giving your Tyranitar a Smooth Rock to hold for example will increase the duration from 5 to 8 turns.


Freeze reducing SpAtk is a feature that is not present in Reborn since that was introduced with Legend:Arceus; for the most part Reborn still runs on Ultra Sun/Moon (Generation 7) mechanics and movesets. Burn and Paralysis in Reborn do reduce the respective stats since that's something they've always done.

Oh wow, thats excellent to know. I didnt even look into rain/sun after learning that.
I'm fighting Saphira now and tbh I'm laming her out pretty hard, king of lame strats right here.

She cant kill my Tyranitar, no matter how hard she tries, she's struggling really bad, so I'm just spamming toxic and hitting a potion every so often while she just fades away, slipping in a stone edge or earthquake here and there. Doesn't feel great, ngl but it is pretty amusing how 'powerful' Saphira is a single Tyranitar is a wall she cant break through.

Noivern was my biggest issue but with a little jolteon setup with thunder wave/light screen it gave me the possibility to reverse the tide a bit. (currently) she has Haxorus and one other pokemon left, her Garchomp, Noivern and Dragonite have fallen. Thankfully the advice came into full play by dropping the AV and adjusting some EV's from earlier advice really helped push me through this fight. Though the team swap will more than likely need to happen for E4 cause jolteons just a fast support as it stands, doesnt really do much otherwise unless its solely weak to electricity lol.

Used Jolteon to thunder wave if paralyzed, volt switch just incase of focus sash, swap to Salamence for killing blow, Mega Charizard inc, same thing, Jolteon -> Thunderwave -> no stun -> Salamence -> one shot with dragon claw. Swapping Natures probably also helped alot, gave Salamence Jolly aswell. image.thumb.png.3d6d1178cc90c3beecc878fabc6f2e8f.png

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