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Pokemon Reborn- The Nuzlock Curse


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I awoke on a train head through a dessert. At first I was startled until s white hair woman sat across from me. 

???: your Hugo right?

As soon as she said that everything cameback to me. I am Hugo Malcom I hail from unova 2 years after the first attack on from team plasma. I was sent her by my guardian in order to avoid me being in another conflict like that. 

Hugo: yes I am.

Ame: well my name is Amethyst but you can call me ame.

Ame: can I see you ID

I hand her my ID and she explained to me the reborn leauge.

Ame:any questions?

Hugo: no but is there any terrorist in the region?

Ame: um no weird question

Just then I felt a weird sensation like were speeding up. I guess ame also notices and decides to take action.

She tackles me and we crash out the wind but before I can even process what is going on i hear a whisper.

???: does who have cheated death shall be cursed.

What curse was that thing talking about? I blacked out and found myself outside what I assume is the reborn league HQ where a green hair and black haired girl are watching me wake up.

Green hair: OMG YOUR ALIVE

Hugo: your Julia right?

I knew her because of researching the reborn leauge. I actually know all of the game leaders. 

Julia:um yeah and you were dead.

Black hair girl: no you weren't but we did find ame carrying you and her telling us to watch you.

Hugo: I'm sorry who are you?

Victoria: I'm Victoria and I'm a student from apophyll Beach.

As I explained what happened Victoria offered me to accompany her as we are both going to get our starters. I agreed and Julia had to leave as she had other dutys. Ame greated us as we both entered and explained how the train was hijacked. But anyway she took me and Victoria to retire our starters surprisingly we both took Litten. I named my Litten Diablo. I left first while Victoria needed to discuss a few things with Ame. There I me a purple flamboyant trainer.

PF:hey cutie

Hugo:im sorry im taken

Pf:oh well can be friends still 

Hugo: I mean sure I dont discriminate.

Cain:well I'm Cain local pretty boy and singer.

Hugo: a cursed glasses enthusiast.


Hugo:its a thing.

Cain: well I see that you got a pokemon care to fight?

Hugo:I'm down if your down.

Cain:alright but first time is always the hardest~

Hugo: to far bro.

I send out Daiblo while he sends out nidoran he tackles but misses. I realize that it has hustle as nidoran typically dont miss like that so I stay far away as i blast him with ember. I easily take victory.

Cain: wow you sure know my weakspot~

Hugo:too far bro

After the battle Ame and Victoria came down and Cain was actually looking for Ame. Apparently it was to start over pr something but I couldn't Dwell about it too much because Victoria wanted to fight.

The battle would have been difficult if I didn't gain levels from Cain. So I mopped the floor with her. Victoria invites me to her Acqdemy if I'm ever in the area and I take her up on that. Ame catches up with us and Gives us pokeballs and a pokedex and with that our journey officially starts.

-the nuzlocke curse ep 1



Edited by Greenbean98
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