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monotpye bug run part 3 (shelly)


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Hi so its the 3 part of the bug monotype in pokemon reborn so lest just do it
Off we go to the jasper ward and after heater has her daddy issues  we can go and couch some new mons like
But only sewaddle is going to join the team (at leat for now) after we give her a haircut 2 times and give her a bell. She likes us and evolves twice. Leavanny has really good attack and speed so we are going to use her for now. We also get the nincada get so ninjask and shedinja are going to join the team not now but I'm pretty sure they will in the near future. Now lest get to the battle with taka this men has 3 mons one of them is a pulse Tangrowth and we need to take care of it so first is execute leavanny  sends this to another world with 4X super effective bug bite chattot is next and we swich to joltic but chatter confuses  us and joltick hit itself so we send out the best pokemon ever know to a menkind wormadam we set up 2 quider danses and take out  chattot last is Tangrowth so i just trow our mons at it until he's in the red then taka heals so i go to the best strategy of all time fury cutter spam we won but we have the bearly alive kricketot and leavanny alive. After this battle we go to beryl we get out of the cage and then find the rest of the officers then we go back to get out good girl growlithe and breed her with male lilipup so we can trade this egg for the mystery egg which one of them is larvesta and its 100% guaranteed because i wrote the password bug in the start of the game. But for now we have the bad guys to beat. Ace starts with zorua which looks like pulse Tangrowth so leavanny just takes it out with bug bite. Next is brixen so masquerain is needed after 3 buble beams and a speed drop we won 1v1 but we are low and in fire spin roselia is next but we switch to warm adam and set up to +3 then after a leech seed we take out the roselia, boltoy and do the huge damage the Tangrowth then ace uses super potion then growth and we are pretty much dead but joltik paralized it and then we use the rest of the team to take it out thank god for joltik and his fast thunder wave. After the corey is corner by the police (im so funny i know) he runs of and we have to fight him and its for me like a gym battle bu not really so i just tell you about this battle and then update this post when i do the other battles. So lets talk about his team the real problems are skuntank and crobat to this point poison powder and venoshock was a good strategy until now when we cant use it so we have to brute force the way thru or set up with wormadam and sweep. Oh did i mention he is the poison type user? So he resist bug type moves? Yea this is first real challenge. A couple tries later and i have to say this is hard even on plus 6 wormadam has probably post too much accuracy with smokescreen from skrelp and take to much damage with marienie and substitute so we don't take out mareanie, skelp and crobat but next is skuntank and we miss and he just rost us with 4x effective flameflower we tried to do the rest of the fight but we just lose to his croagunk in the end so we need to swap some mons and level them up to level 30. So battle starts like the last we wormadam takes out marienie skrelp and crobat falls to skuntank we send out jolic to paralized it and do some damage before he dies so we send out masquerain to finish it of and the battle is as good as won nidorina and croagunk cant take butterfree psybeam and we won. 

After some not family fredly history we go to the grand stairs and nothing happens here except oh just the door that god created nothing important but we have the battle with alster and eklipse AND battle with victoria and fern but this is easy compere to next chanlange cal who has a fire type team with torkoal, houndoom, magmortar and two middle stage fire type starters this is not going to me fun. I will give my best the battle start and the drouth torkoal set up sun we start with sticky web ganvantula and set up sticky web to slow down his mons we faint but the masqrain has the best move in the game WATER SPORT no i'm serious this move lowers power of the fire type moves by 50% so we cancel out sun power bust magmortar is taken out by the masqiarn and beedrill but the rest is swept by charmelion so i need new team we add the butterfree and venomoth to the team beacose the sleep powder is pog and we give it another try 

So the battle starts the same we set up sticky web masqurain takes out torkoal but we let  beedrill done enough damage to take out magmortar but fainting in the process now its houndoom vs masqurain so we set u another water sport and do some damage with silver wind so venomoth can take yout houndoom with signal beam and then after some butterfree sleep powder action we win but man that was hard this will be a masaker if this was like double battle and everything was on fire hehehehehe help me please moving on we have the shelly(best gril) to deafed.
-night slash 
-mud slap
-shadow ball
-shadow sneak 
-signal beam
-thunder wave 
-sticky web
-poison jab
-toxic spikes 
Masquerain (intimidate)
-air cutter
-water sport
-silver wind
Parasect (dry skin)
-stun spore
-fury attack
-quiver dance
-mirror shot
So we start with shedinja and ganvanturla we take out the masquerain and she send out the anorith we switch shedinja to warn adam and after same confusion and rock slide stuff we take out the anorith but our galvantula goes down and we have to sent masquerain we do massive damage to yanmega and illumise goes down so she sent out volbeat after both our monst faint we sent out beedrill and parasect to take out the yanmega and put to sleep volbeat after yanmega goes down the battle is as good as won because the rest of her team cant hit shedinja  
And we won so this was hard chapter and its not going to be easier so

Edited by diobrande
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