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Need help for Noel


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This fight is too hard. I have trained up these Pokemon to battle against him, but it's still not enough:







Bewear (too slow to do anything tho)















My strategy thus far:


Use gear boost whatever it's called to sharply raise speed+defense on klinklang, then gear grind cincinno.

Noel sends out bewear- i use noivern air slash, faint to ice punch, finish it off with staraptor brave bird.

Porygon destroys all my pokemon with psychic/tri attack, can not get off a close combat in time.

Clefable is fine when i use durant with hustle and iron head. 

Girafarig easily goes down to a dark type move.

No idea what his last pokemon is, think it's swellow from what i've search up online. 


Bewear too slow to get off a fighting type move on Porygon. 

Have tried zoroark, with arbok at the back of my party to jebait him, but he uses tri attack anyway because the ai wants me to have fun.

I have beaten 4 of Noel's pokemon at best but then got knocked out. Any tips before I sleep on the motorway tonight?


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Psychic is dreadful and damn they do have better moves than us! When I've been in your situation I've just gone F,  then over trained the pokemon to fight them. Yes they will disobey you but if they're high enough it won't matter,  it sounds like cheating but the time it takes to traon them with the time you've invested thus far,  it really isn't. Sometimes it feels like there is no strategy apart from MAXIMUM OVER POWER. 

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I just beat him on Pulse2 (all enemy pokemon have +252 EVs in each stat and 31 IVs) + 0 player EVs passwords active with three pokemon. It shouldn't be as nearly as hard without those passwords enabled, so I recommend you use:

Forretress: Set up Spikes, maybe deal with Cincinno if you don't want it to be the active enemy pokemon. Gyro Ball should hit fairly hard and the Grassy Field will help keep Forretress active.

Male Meowstic: Prankster dual screens with Light Clay is excellent for sweeping his entire team. You can also use Charm to cripple Cincinno or others, but Noel may switch it out after one or two uses of Charm.

A setup pokemon. I used Blaziken since it was my starter and pretty much the strongest there is, but Klinklang may work as may a pokemon with Quiver Dance, Calm Mind+Simple Swoobat, or others. Note that for the Quiver Dance pokemon or Swoobat, you'll want them to set up on a special-attacker and thus you'll need to get rid of Cincinno first. That may necessitate a pokemon with Mach Punch if possible.


Notes: Clefable has Magic Guard, not Unaware, so it won't break your sweep easily.

Bewear has Fluffy, which makes it resist all contact-making moves (i.e. most physical attacks) that aren't Fire-type.

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I see you have comfey and it can solo noel easily, here’s how:

Growth / draining kiss / synthesis / petal dance

Big root, triage ability

EVs do not matter but 252hp will help


You just have to avoid flinch on the first round, use growth until you get +6 boosts, and if you are low on hp use draining kiss/ synthesis first. Comfey has priority on healing moves so draining kiss will always move first. Remember, don’t kill cinccino until you get +6 boost, after that you can begin the slaughter!


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