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monotpye bug run part 4 (shade


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So after our battle shelly wants to go to a date and she takes us to the hospital… yea thats wierd but unless we help some kids escape and tier doctor is not happy do he wants to zap us but we say MUDA and sweep with leavanny plus galvantula sticky web. Charlotte has pokemons like double the level of shade but we need to challenge him so he can to some mechanic stuff and help us escape.LOGIC. But of we go to the underground of the city and we caught skorupi and i have question for ya can i use drapion ? for rules no because its not bug type but bug type specialist used it and his pre evo is a bug so if you want write your opinion but for now shade 
-sucker pouch 
 -sword dance
-shadow sneak
Pin missile
-poison jab
-toxic spikes 
-signal beam
-electro web
-thunder wave
-sticky web
-sleep powder
-bug buzz

-quiver dance
-struggle bug
-mirror shot
why ? i dont know shade has stact team items and movesets this was hell for me battle start with sword dance ariados killing his gengar and delmise doublede is counter by attract wormadam rotom is pain in the a$$ just from the fact that he has leftovers and pain split but galvantula can take him out with some luck bannet is slept by butterfree and taken out with bug buzzes ad mimikyu is toxic stall by the rest of the team. This chapter was quick but hard this i'm sorry that it took me so long to beat shade i will try to keep up with releasing this but i'm not sure if this is gonna work so yea se yaa

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