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Stuck in the 3 battles in a row part. Someone can help me?


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Hi, I´ve been stuck in the 3 battles in a row part in the house of Tania. I´ve tried everything but I´m tired of trying for hours without success.

Someone can lend me a hand? I´m going to post my team and my PC mons, so you or someone can tell me how to improve my team.


1- Houndoom lvl 72, Flash Fire, Timid, Lax Incense

Moves: Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Destiny Bond, Flamethrower.


2- Blastoise lvl 73, Rain Dish, Calm, Quick Claw

Moves: Dark Pulse, Dive, Surf, Iron Defense


3- Ampharos lvl 73, Static, Lax, Shell Bell

Moves: Charge, Cotton Guard, Discharge, Dragon Pulse


4- Crustle, 71, Sturdy, Naughty, Air Balloon

Moves: X-Scissor, Shell Smash, Bulldoze, Stealth Rock


5- Grumpig, 73, Thick Fat, Bashful, Twisted Spoon

Moves: Psychic. Psyshock, Teeter Dance, Psych Up


6- Vanilluxe, 72, Mild, Snow Warning, Never-Melt Ice

Moves: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Acid Armor


Pokémon in the pc:

"Decent level" (45-70): 

Chinchou, Relicanth, Clamperl, Alolan Muk, Porygon, Delibird, Mightyena (moxie), Druddigon, Altaria, Linoone, Garbodor, Absol, Steelix, Mienfoo, Drapion, Durant, Kangaskhan, Tauros,

Pachirisu, Vullaby.

Very low level:

Cyndaquil, Abra, Ditto, Roggenrola, Loudred, Makuhita, Jigglypuff, Lickitung, Cacnea, Happiny, Smoochum, Seviper, Furfrou, Ribombee, Heatmor, Glameow, Slurpuff, Amaura, Remoraid

Finneon, Lunatone, Fennekin, Bidoof, Minccino, Skitty, Kriketot, Electrike, Ducklett, Pyukumuku, Buizel, Lilipup, Seel, Emolga, Plusle, Grubbin.


If someone can help me, I´ll be very greateful.


Is the lastest version of the game.


Thanks for reading!


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First of all: This is a very tough gauntlet to get through, and there is no win-for-free team.

Having said that, there are definitely some strong options to consider when going in.


I would recommend the following team:


Lead: Houndoom. This is important for the 3rd battle

2. Hariyama - Close Combat, Heavy Slam, Fake Out, Knock Off / Force Palm

3. Mienshao - Drain Punch, High Jump Kick, U-turn, Wide Guard/ Bounce

4. Lanturn - Discharge, Hydro Pump, Confuse Ray, Surf/Thunder wave

5. Vanilluxe - Your set is fine! :)

6. Swanna - Tailwind, Hurricane, Feather Dance, Surf


There is a clown in the circus to get EXP candies from, so you can quickly get these mons into the fight too. It would be ideal if you could EV train them with power items, if you don't have those try to at least give Mienshao a bit of speed, since it can be hit very hard if it does not outspeed its opponent.


The first battle against the 2 grunts should be a runover with any team. Florinia basically soloes these, so you should not worry about them too much, any small help to Flori will make you win.


The second battle is usually the biggest problem. Blake's Ice types are a pain for Florinia since they basically destroy her team and leave you in a 1 vs 2.

The main strategy I would recommend is getting rid of Blake first. You can isolate Fern by taking out all Blake's pokes, which makes the fight a lot easier to deal with.

Leading Houndoom is a little bit sad here, but I believe it's the most consistent option. Haxorus will probably use Superpower and Walrein Surf to try to take you out quickly. It might be worth it to sacrifice Swanna here, since the rest of the team is pretty useful later in the fight.

Fighting types are the core to destroy Blake's team, since he can only answer them with Starmie and Gyarados. These can be countered by Lanturn fairly easily, often even when switching into them. Mienshao's U-turn can be very useful here!

Both Hariyama and Mienshao annihilate any of Blake's mons except the above 2, so having these 3 mons should make the second fight pretty consistent, since you can focus on Fern still having Flori's assistance.

Make sure to NOT USE VANILLUXE until Blake's a goner. Hail makes his team twice as strong.

Keeping Swanna and sending it out with a bit of timing (maybe when one of your mons goes down) to set up tailwind can really make a big difference too, so maybe try that if you feel speed might make the difference.


The third fight is in my opinion easier than the second one, because of a small cheese: Get Solaris to send out his Mandibuzz and ignore him completely. The Mandibuzz only knows Snarl and Foul Play as attacking moves, so leave it be and take out the assistant first. His pokemon are of a much lower power level so it should be relatively easy, although not necessarily free.

Getting Solaris to send out Mandibuzz can be a little bit tricky though, I'm actually not sure in which order he will send out his pokemon. You can definitely destroy any mon except Garchomp with the team though, and I'm pretty sure he always (?) keeps that for last. Be careful: this Gyarados has Earthquake, so Lanturn should be used with caution! Featherdancing the Gyarados first is probably a good idea if you can get Swanna in, or you can try to let Flori take him out by focussing on the assistent when Gyarados is in.

Florinia can serve as a good distraction for the assistant, your mons aren't very weak against his so he will usually not take out too much of your team. Then when Mandibuzz comes out you take out the assistant. If you find Garchomp is too difficult to keep under control, this is where Swanna comes in: With Mandibuzz on the field, switch to Swanna and just before you take out the Mandibuzz, set up tailwind. When Chompy comes out, Featherdance it until it can't even do damage anymore.

To be honest, I don't think you even need to cheese Garchomp like that, because usually Florinia will still have some support for you. It's definitely a way to secure the fight if you can set it up though :). It's also possible to try to use tailwind as a setup for Vanilluxe, but that makes the timing of killing Mandibuzz a bit more difficult.


That's all I can think of! There are probably more and even better options to deal with the gauntlet, but I'm pretty sure this will get you through, even if it takes a few more attempts. Like I said before; this gauntlet is just difficult, there are no 100% guarantees unless you prepare way before you enter into the circus.

I wish you the best of luck and let me know if the team worked out for you!







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