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I started a new run , and forcing myself to be a jerk everytime is really hard ( and thanks for your amazing game)


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After finishing the game a few time , I decided out of curiosity to start again but this time ... I'll try to be the worst character possible  . Trying to get the worst relationship with everyone is "fun" sometimes but most of the time I feel bad , especially to Melia & Aelita . I think they're both my favorite characters . All the characters animations (even if it's 2D pixel art so it doesn't give a lot of room for detail ) really "flesh" out the emotion of the characters which increase (at least for me ) the difficulty of being a emotionless/"I don't give a fck"/cold heart character . When I told Melia her picnic was w/e or after freeing Aelita from Black Steeple Castle and be like "Yup no time for u " I felt like a jerk IRL but the worst part so far is when I belittle Marianette this really guilt trip me . I'm going to get Amber's badge next , I hope all this effort for being the worst person I can be will lead me somewhere "new" .

I really appreciate the game , the cutescenes are well made , I like the dialogs reading them for the 5th time doesn't bother me at all . I'm really hype for the next update ( I hope every move will have animations especially the gym leaders special moves it kinda feels weird without it ) . I'll be patient . And thanks for not making the puzzles too hard , so I don't bang my head against a wall for 30min/an hour just to end of looking for a solution on youtube/google . 

Yep I don't know why I am writing this but I felt like I needed to lift off a weight off my shoulders . That being said  back being a jerk ! 

oh and fck u Ren <3

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So I left Reina roting in her cell under the Sheridan's mountain , she didn't appear at the party and it kinda bugged the hype system , when I got the maximum Hype I got more Hype and it reset to 0 kinda weird but since you can get Hype by talking to people I avoided being soft locked . 

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  On 10/6/2022 at 9:57 AM, Villager04 said:

So I left Reina roting in her cell under the Sheridan's mountain , she didn't appear at the party and it kinda bugged the hype system , when I got the maximum Hype I got more Hype and it reset to 0 kinda weird but since you can get Hype by talking to people I avoided being soft locked . 


Plus the negative rp for avoiding Reina will be added I think in Chapter 14. Remeber to change Amber's field, since changing it, there are -2 points for her.

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I did it , but it seems it has no effect :( . I took the book to save our friendly Garbodor by reflex , I hope I can act like I don't have it :x . I feel like no one will believe in me when it will matter ... Also should I get points with Clear & surfer visor guy ? ( I can't remember his name )

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Yup Garbador has been purified through Fire . I continued to play , on my way to Grand Dream City I snitched on Flora ( never liked her , the whole "I'm gonna save my city while hurting & killing people cuz me so dark" is not my stuff ) Florin told everything to Cassandra . I'm a bit curious because I've read somewhere that Florin get killed somehow (?) it never happend in my last playthrough despite the fact I throw Flora under the bus . I didn't noticed any big change in the story (only Venam didn't buy a drink in the train ><' ) . I've met the puppet master ( and beat Zeta first try as Aelita which is a first ) , went to the past destroyed Vivian (Haunted field + spooky stuff) and I stopped in the "cursed" past cause it's freaking 5am .  

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Small update :

               During Black Steeple Castle (in the horrible future) I discover something , when Melia is locked & we need to save her from pressing the "ultimate guilt button" , I had an Amazon delivery at the same time . So I kinda completly zap that there was a timer running . So at the end of the timer ... well Melia press the button and sink into depression ( Can't blame her) . Later on I told Erin the infamous :

"Souta didn't matter" and got all the sweet (negative) relation point with her , followed by being a jerk to Aelita after she returns to purple . Bonus point for not saying anything/waving at her when she leaves YEP that's me :D ! Moving forward after playing badminton with Huey & Reina , Dumb & Dumber arrive and mistake Reina for me ... yeah ... I guess they don't wear black glasses for blind people for nothing .


Fast forward, meeting again "questionable decisions maker Ren" ("Ren-union" amaright ?!) , the guy is weird , I never been friendly once with him , denied him his "chance" against Narcissa and still he said to me " I know there's bad blood  between us but I intend to fix it whether u like it or not" (something along those lines ) . Yep not gonna happend . Now I play as Melia destroying the Library with some Heavy Slam . I think I'm on the "right path" , when Erin asks the question "DO YOU TRUST CAMILLE?" (yeah it's me ) and the answer is "HELL NAW ! Camille has been nothing but horrible to me " YEP I'm doing my best ! 

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  On 10/17/2022 at 6:12 PM, Villager04 said:

Small update :

               During Black Steeple Castle (in the horrible future) I discover something , when Melia is locked & we need to save her from pressing the "ultimate guilt button" , I had an Amazon delivery at the same time . So I kinda completly zap that there was a timer running . So at the end of the timer ... well Melia press the button and sink into depression ( Can't blame her) . Later on I told Erin the infamous :

"Souta didn't matter" and got all the sweet (negative) relation point with her , followed by being a jerk to Aelita after she returns to purple . Bonus point for not saying anything/waving at her when she leaves YEP that's me :D ! Moving forward after playing badminton with Huey & Reina , Dumb & Dumber arrive and mistake Reina for me ... yeah ... I guess they don't wear black glasses for blind people for nothing .


Fast forward, meeting again "questionable decisions maker Ren" ("Ren-union" amaright ?!) , the guy is weird , I never been friendly once with him , denied him his "chance" against Narcissa and still he said to me " I know there's bad blood  between us but I intend to fix it whether u like it or not" (something along those lines ) . Yep not gonna happend . Now I play as Melia destroying the Library with some Heavy Slam . I think I'm on the "right path" , when Erin asks the question "DO YOU TRUST CAMILLE?" (yeah it's me ) and the answer is "HELL NAW ! Camille has been nothing but horrible to me " YEP I'm doing my best


Aelita is so strange that you loose points with her whetever you want or not lol and I always choose the "Stop being ignorant" because that's true and for the more loosing points. Poor girl I had 100+ with Melia and 50 like for Ren and Venam and Aelita's 16. Rip simp.

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  On 10/18/2022 at 11:12 PM, Villager04 said:

@Nocturne93 Yep , I think it's the path I've choose ahah !


@SoulOfGenji She's kinda in oogah boogah mode when she's still under the curse (red hair) , no good answer only hate , speaking of simp/relationship . I 'm a bit curious of where this Thomas crush on Melia will lead . 



She decided to be edgy in the wrong way lol

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