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Why was Meloetta nerfed with the form change?


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I don't understand why she can only change outside of battle...like wasn't the whole point you could Relic song>change form>use secret power with 60% chance at adding a status effect>relic song back? Like that's such a great combo and changing into it makes the combo really good. Or at least, its one of my favorite move sets. I finally got her but found out I can only change outside of battle, I'm just curious as to the reasoning behind that change

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7 minutes ago, Rendolf said:

I believe its so you don't have to run a mediocre special move on a physical attacker. Also what's stopping you from just running Secret Power on Pirouette form without the form change?


You're kinda missing the point. The moves flow together, she's better swapping her forms. since fighting and psychic oppose each other, moves that are effective on one generally aren't on the other, relic as a base is a special move. I don't want her *staying* in pirouette form. I like how it flows around so you get the best of both, because she makes great use of being mixed. Relic song (special)>makes her physical, use secret power (physical), can use Relic song to change back>can finish with psyshock/psychic, or if I want to guarantee weakening them, I use rock smash first. It's hard to be able to line specially effective attacks if I can swap around freely in battle. If you're gonna be stuck in one form, she's just like every other mon that specializes, only worse because there are just better pokemon that will outdo her in either one of her forms. Combine both, and she's dancing to her own music and its just way more fun then the usual "set up, sweep."  


edit: TL;DR the biggest point is how fun she is to play when she's swapping moves, not just staying in a single form

Edited by Ravenleaf182
Added a TL;DR to my wall of text.
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