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Pokémon that learns perish song?


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Hello everyone, it has been a long time since I lurked here. As the title says, what Pokémon can I get while under the lv 45 cap? I need some suggestions of them for a certain Garchomp.  I already know of the trick using a ghost type and curse but thought if possible, I would give perish song ago. 

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26 minutes ago, Reginald Sanshire said:

The earliest one I know of is Smoochum, at exactly Level 45. Of course, that's only from that event in Citrine Mountain with the Level 57 Beartic, and would take a lot of patience to grind up while keeping from evolution, unless you've got an Everstone on you.

 Ok thank you, I will keep that in mind.  I can be stubborn in my patience. 

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Another one that can be really useful is Murkrow, which if you SR enough for it you can get it with both Perish Song and Prankster. You can get it in the Aqua Gang Hideout during windy nights post-Shade, and if you're not in Aqua Gang then you should be able to get access to the hideout once you catch up on the gang sidequests.

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