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Vileplume or Venusaur?


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So finally I managed to get to the point where I need to decide which restoration project I should do first. Azurine for the bulby?


I have a rainbow team centred around my Solar Power Charizard, supported by a Castform for both weathers, a grass type sun setter (currently Vileplume), a Blastoise for rain back up and some nasty water type damage, and a Prankster Meowstik to defensively bracket all the endless setting up with screens. My original sun setter was a Cherrim. May she rest in PC.


The set I'm using with Vileplume is:

Chlorophyll+Heat Rock/Amplifield Rock/Black Sludge

- Giga Drain

- Toxic

- Sunny Day

- Grassy Terrain


As it happens Venusaur can do the exact same set. I'm not sure whether Venu or Vile is the better fit to this set as a core member of the squad (so for general use rather than specific boss battles), so looking for some advice on that.


As I see it the main difference between the two is that Venu has a lot more speed, freeing up EVs where Vile sinks them, and a bit more bulk, whereas Vile brings in bigger firepower. Given the impact of chlorophyll, I'm not sure if the speed increase is worth it (that sun will always be up - or I'll be using a very different team). Venu can also go Mega-brrrr, but that slot already has competition from at least 4 mons already. So the extra flexibility of mega evolving might not be worth much in the end of the day.


The question then boils down to Vile's 110 vs. Venu's 100 SpAttack & Vile's 75/85/90 defensive stats VS Venu's 80/83/100 defensive stats + Venu's peripheral uses in higher speed and Mega flexibility VS the time it will take to catch a female bulba (not to be underestimated) then chain breed it for moves and IVs.


Any comments & suggestions? Am I missing something here? Not considering something I should?

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I think 50 vs 80 base speed is definitely significant enough to merit a swap, especially if you have some EVs invested in Vileplume's speed, since you can either make Venusaur even faster or use the saved ones to cover for the slightly lower power or increase your bulk even more. Also if you end up needing to set up Sun with this one, Venusaur will either be able to outspeed the opponent better to use Sunny Day first or be able to tank a hit better to still use it after.


Plus if you use Venusaur then you'll have a team with Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise, which I think makes it worth in and of itself.

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