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Beating Noel



How do I beat this dude?!

Every other major battle till now I somehow figured out by myself, but this guy's Minccino keeps on flinching me and his every pokemon outspeed me and one or almost one shot me.

Do I have to EV train? It's probably is just that I am using my Pokemon in wrong order or soemthing. I think I have good enough Pokemon. I have

Arcanine, Greninja, Turtunator, Aggron, Ribombee, Togedemaru, Comfey(which doesn't have Draining Kiss and is at the level cap), Huge Power Diggersby, Roserade, Oricorio, Mawile, Vanniluxe, Dusklops, Zoroark, Toxicroak. I have some other pokemon as well. One more thing, is it possible to reduce difficulty level without needing a data chip? I used one I had to use the weather code to catch a Numel. If its somehow possible to reduce the difficulity level I can enjoy the game for the story and play the harder mode later.

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5 hours ago, Ckp000001 said:

How do I beat this dude?!

Every other major battle till now I somehow figured out by myself, but this guy's Minccino keeps on flinching me and his every pokemon outspeed me and one or almost one shot me.

Do I have to EV train? It's probably is just that I am using my Pokemon in wrong order or soemthing. I think I have good enough Pokemon. I have

Arcanine, Greninja, Turtunator, Aggron, Ribombee, Togedemaru, Comfey(which doesn't have Draining Kiss and is at the level cap), Huge Power Diggersby, Roserade, Oricorio, Mawile, Vanniluxe, Dusklops, Zoroark, Toxicroak. I have some other pokemon as well. One more thing, is it possible to reduce difficulty level without needing a data chip? I used one I had to use the weather code to catch a Numel. If its somehow possible to reduce the difficulity level I can enjoy the game for the story and play the harder mode later.

Mind posting your save file? It's always easier to figure these things out by experimenting a bit. As for the Cinccino you can use your Mawile. Make sure it has Intimidate and Sucker Punch (lv 37)

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I think this is the save file. Also I caught a gale wings TFlame and an intimidate Mawile with Sucker Punch. I tried some tailwind strategies and went down till only Clef. Iron Head from Mawile wasn't doing much to it :(   Ig my only hope is Shift Gear Klink Klank need to try. 

My main idea was to use aracanine to intimidate Cincc taking bullet seed and Mawile taking rock blasting and intimidating it. After Cincc is sufficiently weak I switched into Scrafty to drain punch it. My Aggron pretty much walls his bird. Girafarig I took down using tailwind and crunch arcanine. Gothitelle took care of his Bewear (Tailwind is up). Porygon Z was a hassle but I took it down. Clefable is not going down.



Edited by Ckp000001
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8 hours ago, Ckp000001 said:


I think this is the save file. Also I caught a gale wings TFlame and an intimidate Mawile with Sucker Punch. I tried some tailwind strategies and went down till only Clef. Iron Head from Mawile wasn't doing much to it :(   Ig my only hope is Shift Gear Klink Klank need to try. 

My main idea was to use aracanine to intimidate Cincc taking bullet seed and Mawile taking rock blasting and intimidating it. After Cincc is sufficiently weak I switched into Scrafty to drain punch it. My Aggron pretty much walls his bird. Girafarig I took down using tailwind and crunch arcanine. Gothitelle took care of his Bewear (Tailwind is up). Porygon Z was a hassle but I took it down. Clefable is not going down.


Game_3.rxdata 130.97 kB · 0 downloads

Seems to be the wrong save, this one has 3 minutes of playtime. Klinklang is a good idea for Clef, yea.

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My bad. This is the correct save file. I honestly have no clue what to do. :(  Noel is just throwing bs at me


Game_2 - Pradhit - 137 - 22h 34m - 6 badges - Tanzan Cove.rxdata


Edit: I just beat Noel without any items and with 4 of my pokemon near full health.

1. I was lucky to have rainy weather. Greninja and Roserade destroyed his team with water and grass boosted.

2. I didn't understand when my Rose was up against his Fairy, it kept on using stored power instead of cosmic powering and using potions. That saved me the battle or at least made it a lot easier.


Edited by Ckp000001
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You can go back to the girl´s house (with the key in the train underground area) in Onyx Ward to teach previous learned moves to any pokemon if you want draining kiss on Comfey.

For Noel you want strong Fighting pokemon and Steel to deal with Clefabel/Swellow. Mawile with intimidate and iron head is decent despite its low BST. Klinklang can also sweep after a couple of boost from gear grind and can set-up against Minccino as it resist all of its attacks. Scrafty can also wreck everything with Moxie/Dragon Dance/High Jump Kick/Thunder Punch but requires some breeding. Prankster Meowstic with Charm halves opponent attack stat too so it could open an opportunity for another mon to set-up easily. Good luck.

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Read past your Edit, hence why I still posted. This might help others in the future, anyway.

No battle outright requires you to IV breed/EV train, but you should learn to adapt since you can expect to face more IV/EV optimized opponents at this point of the game. Every battle can either be straight-forward if you are prepared, or a roadblock if you aren't. Even then some battles will be trial and error, especially on a first playthrough.

That said, I think some general advice can help you on your way. I hope the below information is in any way useful to you.



I think Aggron and Arcanine should be reliable choices to dish out damage, keep them. Mawile should also be good on paper (never used one in Reborn, myself). Zoroark could be good vs his Girafarig, but may be a bit squishy. Toxicroack may get some Fighting damage in, but can also be squishy. Drop these two if they get outsped and you don't get damage in with them, this actually happened to be the case in some early attempts for me.



I see someone taking his entire team out with a Draining Kiss/Play Rough Comfey on YT, seems a fun idea if you feel you got stuck. You say you didn't get one with Draining Kiss? Can try catching another that does? Either way, the YT-runner recommends Bold nature + Big Root held item (or an item depending on your needs) and says that IV/EV is not required for it, but one commenter noticed it can get outsped. Not sure if you need to get lucky with Noel's Pokemon's stats. Full credit to the runner, I did not come up with this myself. If you can't reproduce it to wipe his entire team, you may still be able to take out part of it OR you can sacrifice Pokémon to set up team boost effects first?



- You can have an Exp.All at this point: make sure to, obviously, level up everything to Lv55.
- Several of his Pokémon have Fighting weakness. Pay attention to other weaknesses you can exploit (e.g. Ice vs Swellow, Steel to Clefable tends to work really well for me).
- EV/IV training not required, but note that every reset also means the stats on opposing Pokémon will change. Without considering stats, it's hard to say when your team is guaranteed to be good enough and if they can, for example, outspeed what you want to outspeed every single attempt.
- You may want to avoid turning the terrain into a Burning field to avoid relationship points penalties. Furthermore, reading up on field notes and looking for ways to take advantage of it always helps. (To be fair, I barely ever do this.)



My team: Emboar, Aggron, Bewear, Arcanine, Alolan Sandslash, (Trickster/Perish Song) Murkrow
> Emboar [Superpower] destroys it in one hit.
> Or use any other Pokémon that can just survive one hit from it and then sweep it with one (Fighting-)move. Possibly Medicham/Hariyama could be good alternatives.
> You could (ab)use a Quickclaw, but you don't need to outspeed it. You could reset if you flinch. Yes, it's cheap, but so is losing to a single random flinch (on the first turn).
> Used my own Bewear [Hammerarm, 2+ attacks]. I had to do the last hit with a Pokémon that outsped it (IIRC my Arcanine [Flamethrower]).
> Alternatively: any other Pokémon that can tank 1-2 hits and at least bring it into HP-range for a Pokémon with an "Always hits first" move or a Pokémon that outspeeds it to finish it off, will be good.
Alolan Sandslash [Icicle Spear, 1-2 attacks] should absolutely demolish it. (Can try a Blizzard, also.)
> I reckon plenty of other Ice/Electric Pokémon are going to do pretty good as well.
> Should not be too hard to outspeed; in my case I used Arcanine. Find a Pokémon that outspeeds it and doesn't go down to one Psychic. Preferably with Dark/Bug moves.
> Alternatively this should be an easy prey for something like a Flinch-lock (like Headbutt), especially if you outspeed it. Should be lots of options for Girafarig.
> Aggron [Heavy slam] should win against it.
> Outsped a lot of my Pokémon, so I... just used a Trickster Murkrow w/ Perish Song here, then sacrificed Emboar and other Pokémon (Porygon-Z wasted one move to power up). You can use similar solutions. It's cheap, but Porygon-Z may give you the most trouble if you are outsped and lack decent Fighting options.

* These tips are just based on the battle I recall having, by no means was it a great effort. I look very little into field effects, don't do IV breeding/EV training and really only use permanently held items like Quickclaw/Plates to get a bit more damage through. Perish Song Tricker Murkrow is really my only "escape option". There will definitely be much more ways to tackle this and much better tactics to use. My point is, you can progress in Reborn with as little effort as this.

Edited by RandomIdiot
Fixed some spoiler content.
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