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[quote][Set Name]
[Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
Trait: [Ability]
EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

[Description of Set][/quote]
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  • 3 months later...
[Ninetales] (M/F) @ [Balloon/Leftovers]
Trait: [Drought]
EVs: [252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Defense]
[Nature] Timid
- Overheat/Fire Blast/Flamethrower
- Solarbeam
- Hypnosis
- Nasty Plot/Psycho Shock

[Hey look a Pokémon with Drought. Let's abuse it. Anyways, Ninetales ain't so special without Drought, so we just have to make it as special as we can. All three fire moves are perfectly viable options, take your pick. Solarbeam is Solarbeam, and Hypnosis is arguably the best move Ninetales has when it doesn't move. Finally, you have Nasty Plot to actually attempt to turn it into a sweeper, or Psycho Shock for coverage purposes. For item, you can either go with the standard Lefties, or add Balloon to dodge the pesky Ground attacks flying(heh flying) around everywhere.]
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I'd also suggest Energy Ball as an alternative to Solar Beam- because personally I enjoy switching Emerald in and making them absorb light for a turn. So Energy Ball tends to be better for weather wars
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Well, not just Politoed. Hippowdon and Tyranitar too, and I know it's not going to do much more damage, but, it still does more damage then wasting a turn absorbing light, and then your opponent switching back to Skarmory, or Ludicolo or Nattorei or god knows what. Or in my case, Emerald using protect~
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Energy Ball still does fairly poor damage to both, and they can both OHKO you or set up on you, so if you're using Energy Ball predicting their switch in, it would be better just to switch yourself :S
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  • 4 weeks later...
well for dealing with pesky rain teams I choose this comabation

Faith (Ninetales) (F) @ Absorb Bulb
Trait: Drought
EVs: 208 SAtk / 96 SDef / 204 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- SolarBeam or Energy Ball
- Flamethrower
- Nasty Plot
- Will-O-Wisp

Send this out as your second pokemon if you took care of your opponets weather causing pokemon,
or switch out if it does not ave a strong attack
The Absorb bulb is great. in the sun, the Ninetails takes reduced damage from all water type moves thanks to the sun, and the Absorb bulb raises SP ATT
This as always worked well for me so~
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  • 3 months later...
hax master
ninetale f @wide lens
trait- drought
evs- 252 sp def, 252 speed, 4 sp attack
timid nature +Spd, - atk
- hypnosis
- confuse ray
- heatwave/ fire blast / solarbeam (pick your poison)
- dream eater

Ok so this guy comes in handy quite often. the main thing you do is use your boosted accuracy hypnosis to put your opponent to sleep. next comes confuse ray. then comes dream eater, or your choice move to to take down dark or bug types. most of the time with ninetales somewhat bulk she can take a hit, but usually theyll just be confused because they cant work it off during their sleep. after they wake up repeat. pretty much a haxy, slow, very good ninetales. oh yeah i make all my pokes female to kill attract.
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  • 4 months later...
Can't Use That... Can'tusethateither!!

Ninetales @ Air Balloon
176 HP / 252 Sp. Def / 82 Spe
- Substitute
- Disable
- Will-o-Wisp / Flamethrower (Defense vs. Offense)
- Energy Ball / Flamethrower

The core if this set is obviously Substitute + Disable, or better known as a Gengar replica. This set is better used in Sun for the fire support and water resistance, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, first turn, with Air Balloon, the opponent either switches, sets up hazards or tries to use a ground move if they missed the balloon, or they use something that won't kill Ninetales (because of the bulk of the EVs) so Ninetales can set up a Sub. Then, Talseypoo Disables when the opponent uses their nice ol' ground move to break sub, and then the offense follows suit, or more Subs. Whichever.
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Sunny Day(Just let me explain)
Ninetales (M/F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Drought
EVs: 128 HP/252 Sp Atk/20 Spdef/108 Speed
[Nature] Modest
- Sunny Day
- Solarbeam
- Fire Blast/Flamethrower
- Will-O-Wisp/Toxic/Protect

*Advertisers voice*
Tired of weather inducers ruining you Sun team's day? Do you hate having to switch your Ninetales in and out constantly because a Politoed is trolling you? I KNOW I AM!!!! Well now you dont have to with....!
[size=5]Sunny Day Nintales[/size]
[size=5][size=4]With a little prediction and the given speed EVs, you can screw your opponent's weather inducer(execept if they're choice scarfed) over by reseting up your sun while they're out![/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4]With entry hazard support, even the bulkiest of weather inducers will be whittled down.[/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4]You've given your opponent a choice, eat a Solarbeam to the face or switch out, let something else take the Solarbeam and take massive damage from entry hazards upon switching in again[/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4]Sunny Day and Solarbeam are obviously the crux of this set, forcing out other weather inducers. Fire Blast is used for Ninetale's main stab move in the sun, or Flamethrower if you're worried about accuracy. The last move is to give Ninetales some utility. Will-O-Wisp is suggested strongly for dealing with Tyranitars and Hippowdons, while Toxic is meant more for Politoed. Protect gives Ninetales free leftovers recovery while scouting moves for an appropriate switch.[/size][/size]

[size=5][size=4]Here's some of our satisfied customers![/size][/size]

[size=5][size=4]Gliscor: I used to be scared of Politoeds alot ever since it got Drizzle, but with the Sunny Day Ninetales, I've felt so much safer from water type moves knowing that it's gonna shine alot more that it rains[/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4]Gengar: Freakin Tyranitar is always giving those Rock types that stupid special defense buff letting them live my Focus Blasts, but with Sunny Day Ninetales, Im free to hit that menace and his team with my arsenal of special moves without having to worry that they're gonna live hehehehe.[/size][/size]

[size=5][size=4][size=5]THE SUNNY DAY NINETALES[/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5]Order yours today[/size][/size][/size]
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  • 2 months later...

Trolltales (Ninetales) (F) @ Absorb Bulb
Trait: Drought
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- SolarBeam
- Overheat
- Power Swap
- Will-O-Wisp

We've all seen those pesky good for nothing Reuniclus' and their CM set ups. This willl pretty much ruin ANY special set up. Calm Mind? lol. Nasty plot? lol. Special Shell Smash pass? lol. This build ensures that no spoiled reuniclus gets their way.
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  • 1 month later...
Fox Fire

Ninetales (F) @ Shuca Berry
Trait: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 112 Def / 48 SAtk / 96 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flamethrower
- Energy Ball
- Calm Mind

I like to use this set alot due to its bulk

Use Wil-o-wisp to burn Tyranitars and pokemon like that
Flamethower and energy ball are used for coverage
Calm mind is used to boost special defense and special attack\

This set is pretty bulky and can surprise alot of people and piss of haxorus and dragonites before they boost
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  • 2 months later...
[Mr. Special]
[Ninetales] (M/F) @ [Leftovers]
Trait: [Drought]
EVs: [252 Special Attack, 122 Speed, 122 Sp. Def.]
[Nature] Hasty
- Heat Wave
- Energy Ball
- Will-O-Wisp
- Psyshock

Everybody knows Ninetales. The cute little fox that was put in OU because GameFreak decided to bless it with the second-best DW ability, Drought.
This scker powers itself up. A Sun Boosted, STAB Heat Wave will put a dent in anything that doesn't resist, and you have Energy Ball for that damn Politoed that'll switch in.
Will-O-Wisp - Cripples the physical attackers that'll switch in for the kill, picking on Ninetales' below-average Defense.
And, we arrive at Psyshock. Running off Ninetales's significantly higher Special Attack and hitting the opponents PHYSICAL Defense, this gives Blissey a reason to go back into it's ball in fear
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  • 8 months later...

Eject Button is a pretty nifty item option in my opinion. It can be great for winning the weather war. Switch in Ninetails on a Politoed's Scald, Eject Button will activate, you go to Chandelure and Solarbeam away! You's have to be more careful around Tyranitar, but Dugtrio works quite nicely with this strategy as well. Just make sure it's not holding Shed Shell. Unfortunately, Hippowdon is another matter altogether due to its bulk.

Edited by Ashka
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Yeah, um. No. Just. No.

It's redundant, and there's no point in keeping Ninetales in anyway.

You Sunny Day on a Politoed switch in or first turn since most sets are out sped by Ninetales.


The whole point around it is to put pressure on your opponent since he will have to continuously switch back into Politoed to maintain rain(lol). This eases prediction and allows you to keep offensive momentum since you'll be able to A. weaken or kill the opponents Politoed or B. predict a switch in and act accordingly. Either way Sunny Day is really only meant to counter rain teams and should NOT be used when the opponent has a Ttar or Hippowdon in.


Just thought I would explain the play style for those who didn't understand because bored and ceebs sleep(w0t?). And, yes, i'm aware it's a really old comment.

Edited by TheyCallMeTony.
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