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Pre-Glass Factory Sand Team - Suggestions Needed


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Hello! I am playing through Reborn for my second time and am approaching the glass factory. Given how late in the main game I am, I am hoping to put together a comprehensive team that does not require too many changes going forward, and since I haven't used a sand team before I am building around that idea. That being said, suggestions for future improvements are welcome as well! The team and each member's function is listed below. I am also restricting myself to not use Toxic, since it can be too easy in some fights just to Toxic a threat and heal until it faints.


Tyranitar @ Choice Band 
Ability: Sand Stream 
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Earthquake  
- Crunch  
- Stone Edge  
- Fire Punch


Tyranitar is the sand setter and thus also the lead. It has some natural bulk, and can hit most non-fighting-types in front of it hard with any of its banded attacks without fear of reprisal. More carefully though, its goal is to stay healthy and put sand up once Excadrill has an opportunity to begin sweeping. With this in mind, I've considered using AV and a bulkier set, but for now have opted away given that Empoleon and Gliscor accompany it well with reasonable bulk. I've also considered Smooth Rock over Choice Band to lean further into the team's archetype, but in my experience Tyranitar switches in often enough that it isn't an issue.


Excadrill @ Steelium Z  
Ability: Sand Rush   
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Swords Dance  
- Earthquake  
- Iron Head  
- Rock Slide  


Excadrill's role is to wait for a clear path to sweep. Corkscrew Crash ohkoes even an opposing fully-invested Tyranitar unboosted, and once it gets an SD off, there isn't much that can counter Excadrill until sand stops. I also have not included Rapid Spin in this set given NPC's apparent reluctance to set up hazards.


Lucario @ Lucarionite  
Ability: Inner Focus 
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Aura Sphere  
- Vacuum Wave  
- Flash Cannon  
- Nasty Plot 


Mega Lucario was slotted into the team to serve as a potent special attacker to hit defensive walls hard enough to set up Excadrill for a sweep. Not much to say about this; there was a deficit of special attackers on the team and a need for a strong(er) mega.


Garchomp @ Life Orb  
Ability: Rough Skin 
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Earthquake  
- Stone Edge  
- Outrage  
- Swords Dance  


Garchomp's purpose is to survive a hit to get off an SD, and rely on Rough Skin to break sashes or sturdy to line up the knockout. It fills a similar role to Excadrill, but without Sand Rush. However, given the team's overall ground weakness, I am hesitant to substitute out Garchomp unless for something to counter that weakness. I've considered Trangrowth, but this conflict's with Empoleon's role, which is discussed more when I talk about Empoleon. Note that using Rough Skin over Sand Veil is intentional; its a pet peeve of mine to use abilities that rely on missing and random chance, so when possible I use alternatives even if not optimal.


Gliscor @ Toxic Orb  
Ability: Poison Heal 
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD  
Impish Nature  
- Knock Off  
- Swords Dance  
- Earthquake  
- Facade  


Gliscor is fat, and SDs in the face of physical mons that lack the power to 2HKO it. Reliable recovery from Toxic Orb means that it can easily set up against walls that lack an ice move, and it also serves as a punching bag while I heal other party members with items. Knock off can punish foes on switchins. Alternative sets include SD and Baton Pass, but given the setup-heavy nature of the team I haven't felt the need for that yet.


Empoleon @ Leftovers  
Ability: Torrent   
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD  
Calm Nature  
- Scald  
- Stealth Rock  
- Flash Cannon 
- Knock Off  


Empoleon is a special wall and sets up rocks to punish switch-heavy opponents. Scald can punish physical switchins with the potential burn. Flash Cannon hits fairy-types super effectively, but given fairy's common special bulk it's often ineffectual without sand. The SpDef boost offered by sand, when up, means that Empoleon can commonly out-damage any special attacker. As mentioned above, I've considered substituting Empoleon for Tangrowth because of the reliable recovery and strong pivot potential offered by regenerator, as well as the ground resist so sorely needed by the team.


In review, problems I've identified with the team include its glaring weakness to ground, fighting, and water Pokemon, as well as the very offensive nature of the team, with Tyranitar, Garchomp, Excadrill, and Lucario fulfilling similar roles. I understand that sand is not as strong as other weathers, but it offers an interesting challenge and, if it fails to function as I hope, it can be pivoted away from fairly easily. Thank you for your time, and for any suggestions about how to move forward with this team!


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