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Sprite Issues


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Buizel is a mess
Female base backsprite doesnt have the correct gender difference, the shiny does though

The egg, however, doesnt have it for the female one altogether???? It just uses the male one instead

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Hippopotas egg does not have gender differences, the egg seems to be female only

This, by extension, affects the shiny egg as well, with the coloring for the male (left) shiny following the female (right) shiny egg palette

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Frillish is messy
Its male forms have no problems, the female egg has sharp corners on the top, which should not be true for female Frillish, and the base egg just straight up uses the male coloring too, making it very confusing

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Shiny Vikavolt seems to have inconsistent coloring between its front and back sprites
The front mouth(M) is cyan in its front sprite, but seemingly green in its back, and its legs(L) are also green in the back sprite, but are a grey-blue in the front

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Cellia central sewers, these two items have swapped color
First one is the sewer key, being the sludge fragment purple instead of the normal red

Second is the sludge fragment in the room over, being red instead of purple

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  • Global Mods
  On 2/3/2023 at 6:56 PM, Cyl said:

Cellia central sewers, these two items have swapped color
First one is the sewer key, being the sludge fragment purple instead of the normal red

Second is the sludge fragment in the room over, being red instead of purple


Black Sludge is an actual item, and is not apart of the quest. Sewer Key is intended to be purple iirc. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Female eggs in the vespiquen line are missing the red spot they had in reborn. This makes non-shiny combee eggs identical.


(Also, I cannot insert pictures into my posts anymore, so here's a drive link to a screenshot instead.)

(Reborn egg patterns left, deso patterns right.)



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