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hackmons reborn


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idk what i just made or why it worked but It Just Works™


before we start: debug mode is required. seriously.


wanna know what this does?

unlimited megas! one mega not enough for you? guess what, you can now mega more than one pokemon in battle! your team of six mega rayquazas can actually exist now! still can't mega evolve more than one per turn though, sorry. oh and pulse mons are supported


any abilities! for your pokemon! now huge power regigigas can actually come true in-game!


warning: will also override abilities of alternate forms. as for megas, there is an option that will temporarily remove this override.


pre-megas! if you played intense mode rejuv you know how bullshit this one is (i didn't but i still know). but for those who don't know, basically this allows you to mega evolve pokemon without holding a mega stone. now, choice band mega mewtwo y is actually possible! i don't know why it worked, but it worked! oh and pulse mons are supported (2)

fun fact: did you know that if any of your pokemon in the party has pre-mega enabled all enemy trainers will pre-mega their pokemon when given the opportunity? yeah, good luck dealing with all of that lmfao :)


- semi-unlimited z-moves! new in v1.2 is the ability to use a z-move once per pokemon! get your two eevium-z eevees up and baton pass your way out! by the way, pre-megas don't work on pokemon with z-crystals yet, so keep that in mind.


you can access the middle two on the party menu debug. im still too lazy to add it to pc menu debug, sorry. (laziness count: 3)


by the way, to actually get this mod to be loaded into the game, just place it into the (Game Folder)/Data/Mods folder and you're mostly good to go. mods folder not existing? just make one


obligatory compatibility notice:

- compatible with:

  • aironfaar's generate specific id.
  • fervis's all gen mod (source: dude trust me)

- idk what else is compatible or not compatible


changelogs, because:


v1.3b | march 18, 2023

- removed a stray print line. yeah that's it lmao

v1.3a | march 17, 2023

- fixed an unnoticed oversight of enemy trainers using pre-megas if one of your pokemon has pre-megas enabled regardless of mega-z ring ownership

v1.3 | march 17, 2023

- enemy trainers can no longer use pre-pulse (pre-megas for pulse mons)

- enemy trainers can now use pre-megas only when anyone in your party can mega evolve and has pre-mega enabled (hopefully)

- added an option where the ability chosen from the "set any ability" will not override a mega pokemon's ability

- fixed a bug where you somehow can't mega evolve (hopefully)

v1.2 | march 11, 2023

- enemy trainers can now pre-mega their pokemon, usually without warning (sorry not sorry)

- z-moves are now semi-unlimited

v1.1 | february 26, 2023

- reworked and rewritten the pre-mega side of the mod

v1.0 | february 15, 2023

- initial release


aaaaaand that's it. i guess. ok back to whatever you were doing.


also keep a backup just in case. you'll never know if bugs hidden on sight are gonna bite me and you in the back. and if there are problems please do tell.




hackmons reborn 1.3b.rb

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m fascinated by this mod and would love to give it a try.


I’m new to modding Reborn in general. I see this is an .rb file which makes it look like a script, so I stuck it in the Scripts folder and it didn’t seem to work. Which leads me to feel like I missed something, but I can’t find instructions in the OP.


I’m sorry if this was assumed or if it’s described elsewhere - or if it’s right here and I selectively forgot how to read - how do I install this mod?

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On 3/5/2023 at 4:17 AM, sad dragonite said:

Could you modify it so that enemy trainers can use it as well?

soon. i will have to figure out how it should work though. :)



On 3/5/2023 at 4:11 PM, AverageJJbaEnjoyer said:

Nice work! I was wondering if you could possibly do the same with z-moves, or add an effect which allows mega pokemon to keep their form outside of battle. 

the z-moves one is not yet set in stone as it is an entirely different realm in the code 

as for keeping mega forms outside of battle this may be an optional thing but again, not yet set in stone

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1st let me say, this mod is AMAZINGTM , it has the function of mega evolving multiple pokémon (our pokémon to be precise) that I was looking for a long time to be able to do. And the ability change?! Just the cherry on the cake 👌 (Regigigas - Dynamic Punch, No Guard,  here I go

Thank you very much for making this a reality 🙏 (the functions that I'm using are the "unlimited megas" and "any abilities")


That being said... 


I just battled a policeman that had a Magnezone. Which proceded to "mega evolve" it in to a pulse Magnezone...  

So I would like to request if you still have the version of this mod that "does not" let the other traines pre-evolve? Or you can make it again? 

Pretty please 🙏


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I don't know what's going on, but I can't seem to mega evolve at all with the mod. All the trainers who have pokemon who can pre mega will mega against me, but the button icon for mega evolving won't appear for me while the mod is in the mods folder. When I take it out, I can mega evolve though. Does anyone else have this issue?

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v1.3 dropped, very sorry for the no-mega inconvenience



- enemy trainers can no longer use pre-pulse (pre-mega but for pulses)

- enemy trainers can now use pre-megas only when anyone in your party can mega evolve and has pre-mega enabled (hopefully)

- added an option where the ability chosen from the "set any ability" will not override a mega pokemon's ability

- fixed a bug where you somehow can't mega evolve (hopefully)

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5 hours ago, Blue Omni said:

I'm now getting a strange text box that shows up every time I do actions in battle that I have to click "OK" for before I can do anything else.

omg i forgot to remove the print line


v1.3b dropped, removing that print line (now comes with -100% more text boxes)

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Here's the error message if that's worth anything



[Pokemon Reborn e19.16]
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `>' for nil:NilClass
C:/Users/omnid/Saved Games/All Gen Reborn/Data/Mods/hackmons reborn 1.3b.rb:394:in `block in pbCanMegaEvolve?'
C:/Users/omnid/Saved Games/All Gen Reborn/Data/Mods/hackmons reborn 1.3b.rb:393:in `each'
C:/Users/omnid/Saved Games/All Gen Reborn/Data/Mods/hackmons reborn 1.3b.rb:393:in `pbCanMegaEvolve?'
PokeBattle_ActualScene:2833:in `pbFightMenu'
PokeBattle_Battle:3618:in `block (2 levels) in pbCommandPhase'
PokeBattle_Battle:3612:in `loop'
PokeBattle_Battle:3612:in `block in pbCommandPhase'
PokeBattle_Battle:3602:in `each'
PokeBattle_Battle:3602:in `pbCommandPhase'
PokeBattle_Battle:3524:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartBattleCore'
PBDebug:4:in `logonerr'
PokeBattle_Battle:3523:in `block in pbStartBattleCore'
PokeBattle_Battle:3513:in `loop'
PokeBattle_Battle:3513:in `pbStartBattleCore'
PokeBattle_Battle:3296:in `pbStartBattle'
PokemonField:1145:in `block (2 levels) in pbWildBattle'
PokemonField:679:in `pbSceneStandby'
PokemonField:1144:in `block in pbWildBattle'
PokemonField:1013:in `pbBattleAnimation'
PokemonField:1143:in `pbWildBattle'
PokemonField:1613:in `pbBattleOnStepTaken'
PokemonField:1634:in `pbOnStepTaken'
Game_Player_:507:in `update'
Walk_Run:99:in `update'
Scene_Map:104:in `block in update'


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Am I doing something wrong? I install it to my mod folder and go to debug/abilities and it still only lists the abilities defined in the PBS.


Edit: Tried it on a fresh install of the All Gen Mod with zero other mods (empty Data/Mods folder besides this file) installed. Debug mode manually installed in main. Not only does the abilities menu only show the defined abilities, there's no toggles anywhere that I can see for megas or pre-megas, and if you manually set their mega form, they immediately unmega as soon as you leave battle.


Unless I'm doing something very wrong, I've yet to see any evidence that the mod actually does anything.

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So, I started a new save to test something. I noticed that not only did v1.3b result in an error message for me, but v1.3a also started giving me the error message when I tried that as well. Outside of the text boxes showing up, v1.3a had worked for me before, so I wondered why it wasn't working for me now. I think what happened was I progressed far enough into the game that something story-wise seemed to break the mod. I started a new save and the mod seems to work again for that save and that save alone. When v1.3a dropped, I was right before the point where you fight Team Meteor in Tanzan Mountain, and besides the text boxes, the mod worked. When v1.3b dropped, I was just before Adrienn's gym battle, and neither of the versions worked. It seems that, for me, something story-wise between these two points breaks the mod for me. On a fresh save, v1.3b seems to work just fine.

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