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Pristine Accuracy - non-OHKO attacking moves with base damage now 100% accurate


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The mod's concept is not exactly new. This mod is directly inspired by Metapod's No Haxx / 100% Accuracy mod, with an entirely different way of implementing it. 


Did you feel infuriated when that Cinderace of yours missed a High Jump Kick and straight-up died just because it missed? Irritated when your Togekiss for some godawful reason misses Air Slash 4 times in a row (true story) and Just Not™ able to flinch hax at all? Want to burn a threatening opponent while dealing high damage using Inferno, but just can't because of its paltry 50% accuracy? Do you want to run Dynamic Punch on your Machamp while also trying to run Guts + Flame Orb on it without DPunch missing most of the time?


If your answer to any of the four is yes, Pristine Accuracy is for you.


This mod simply does what it does best: set almost all attacking moves' accuracy to 100%. Because otherwise if it's not 100% accuracy, then it's definitely 50% accuracy. accuracy and evasion stages still matter though


Take note that it does not, however, increase the accuracy of:

  • Status moves
  • Variable-damage attacks with no set base damage (e.g. Seismic Toss, Crush Grip, Magnitude)
    • Variable-damage attacks with a set base damage like Eruption are affected by the mod (though in Eruption's case, it's pointless)
  • Moves with unavoidable accuracy (e.g. Aerial Ace, Snipe Shot, Flower Trick)
  • One-Hit KO moves (e.g. Fissure, Sheer Cold, Guillotine)


Exception/s to the above restrictions:

  • Dark Void (restores it back to 80%, its original accuracy)
    • because let's be real, the accuracy nerf is too much; the darkrai-only restriction is already enough to stop smeargle.


So what the difference between Metapod's 100% accuracy mod and Pristine Accuracy?

  • It is modular. Replacing data files is not needed. The mod is written in Ruby and does not rely on game-specific data (for the most part). This means that it doesn't care if you prefer to play vanilla or modded, or are playing on Reborn or Rejuv; it simply applies the changes all the same. Also possibly compatible across different future versions (and probably different games), but that's to be tested upon. and as it turns out, it is in fact forward compatible. to an extent.
  • It is compatible with Reborn, Rejuvenation, Desolation, and even Azure Act 2 altogether. No need to compile all the PBS files or modify the scripts and make a copy for each of the three games, just download one copy, Ctrl-C Ctrl-V it if you want, and be done with it.


This mod is compatible with:


All other mods, games or versions are untested for compatibility, so see if something works with this mod and what doesn't.


To install this mod, just download the mod from below and place it into one of the following, depending on game or version:

  • Reborn E19.16/E19.17, Rejuvenation, Desolation, and Azure: (Game Folder)/Data/Mods
  • Reborn E19.5: (Game Folder)/patch/Mods

If the Mods folder doesn't exist, just make one and paste/move the mod in it.




v1.3 | March 19, 2025

  • Dark Void's accuracy is now 80%
  • If debug console is open, the mod will now show you the changes in moves' accuracies (enabled in Desolation, Rejuv V13.5+ and Reborn E19.5+; disabled in all other cases)
    • This feature is also backported to v1.2 in case you don't want to deal with the Dark Void buff

v1.2 | March 2, 2025

  • 100% accuracy is now correctly displayed in Reborn E19.5 and Rejuvenation V13.5

v1.1 | March 12, 2023

  • Solved the issue of incorrect accuracy being displayed in the summary in Desolation

v1.0 | March 11, 2023

  • Most attacking moves' accuracy have been set to 100%


Also, reporting all other issues regarding the mod is recommended. After all, bugs can happen in areas where people least expect it.



NOTE: A Reborn Evolved account is required to download the mod.

v1.3 Download (the version with Dark Void buff):

Pristine Accuracy 1.3.rb


v1.2 Download (the version without Dark Void buff):

Pristine Accuracy 1.2.rb




make dark void great again


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  • 1 year later...

good... uh... morning, i guess? it's 3 am where im at at the time of this writing so ill keep this short and then ill be gone for milk for the foreseeable future again

mod is updated to v1.2, 100% accuracy is now properly displayed in reborn e19.5 and rejuv v13.5

as it turns out, the part that actually sets all moves' accuracy to 100% in battle is forward compatible so porting the mod to newer versions turned out to be somewhat effortless
im just. not very active at all. lol

anyways, im going to dozaierk sdafk;j lsfadb,clkj;

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  • 2 weeks later...

Say, is Darkrai's dark void affected by the mod ?

I know the description mentionned that it doesn't change status effect moves but many know how god awfull the move is to use, even hypnosis has better accuracy if remember correctly;
Not truly making a suggestion but was just really curious about it and if you'd plan to make such exceptions.


Edited by Ardhak
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On 3/14/2025 at 1:38 AM, Ardhak said:

Say, is Darkrai's dark void affected by the mod ?

I know the description mentionned that it doesn't change status effect moves but many know how god awfull the move is to use, even hypnosis has better accuracy if remember correctly;
Not truly making a suggestion but was just really curious about it and if you'd plan to make such exceptions.



you know what, sure why not

let's make dark void great again


v1.3 dropping riiiiiiiiiiight now -- dark void's accuracy is restored to its original 80% (because 100% accurate dark void is, simply put, bullshit)

direct damage-dealing moves are still fair game though


the v1.2 download is still up for anyone who doesn't want dark void's accuracy to be restored, though it's updated with a backported debug console feature

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