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(CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED) Rejuvenation v13.0.5 - More Regional Forms (Hisuian Forms, More Regional Variants, Battle Bond, & New Megas)


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  On 7/17/2023 at 6:56 AM, Virbank 26 said:

Wish there were gen 5 style backsprites for the delta starter lines as well.


Unfortunately, Insurgence never updated their sprites to the Gen 5 format, so I can't do anything there. I'm no spriter, so I can't do much about it.

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  On 7/17/2023 at 3:34 PM, Cozmicfirez said:

Hello there, im at the end of the soul labrynth and i am about to battle the maid with the dusknoir, but an error keeps popping up right before mariannette throws out her pokemon, and the game crashes, what do i do?



 Download the 3 Script files from these 2 comments and replace in your Script folder.







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  On 7/25/2023 at 6:00 PM, blazeburn392 said:

I was trying to send out aevian infernape but it happens with almost all the new pokemon that are in the mod


 Download the 3 Script files from these 2 comments and replace in your Script folder.







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This mod works so well with meta story the Walk through walls when I back track to ver 12 to find-

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Kinda funny thinking about it


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Last Update until a stable v13.5 version is out.

Don't remember most of the changes since I was working on this for a while and forgot to document most of them, but this is a basic rundown of the big changes:


4 Aevian Species Evolutionary Lines added:

  • Aevian Meganium
  • Aevian Serperior
  • Aevian Emboar
  • Aevian Delphox


14 Delta Species Evolutionary Lines added:

  • Delta Bisharp Line
  • Delta Gardevoir/Gallade Line
  • Delta Sunflora Line
  • Delta Scizor Line
  • Delta Glalie/Froslass Line
  • Delta Luxray Line
  • Delta Roserade Line
  • Delta Muk Line
  • Delta Quagsire Line
  • Delta Mismagius Line
  • Delta Golem Line
  • Delta Raichu Line
  • Delta Wailord
  • Delta Emolga Line

(Along with all of their unique abilities)


2 Epoch Species Evolutionary Lines added:

  • Epoch Gliscor Line
  • Epoch Aggron Line


New Mechanics:

  • Frostbite has been added and now replaces the Freeze status.
    • Causes damage over time, reduces Special Attack.
  • New Ability: Fortitude
    • "Boosts Special Attack if there is a status problem."
    • Ignores the Special Attack drop from Frostbite.
  • New Move and TM: Hypothermia
    • "The user brings the air around the target down to subzero, causing the target's body to be frostbitten."
    • Inflicts Frostbite against the opponent.
    • TM can be bought from the Kristiline Town TM Shop after beating the 12th Gym.
  • New Item: Frost Orb
    • "An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a bizarre orb that inflicts frostbite on the holder in battle."


Multiple changes to many Major Battles. Not drastic overhauls but more of a Vanilla+ experience.



Added the Shadow Rock to the Mining Table, it can now be found while mining.

  • Can also be found on Delta Roserade in the wild.


Some Mega Stones have been placed in the world, primarily Marowite, Delta Sunflorite, and Delta Bisharpite.


Massive overhaul to many AltForm movesets and TM/Move Tutor compatibility.


An extensive amount of Bug Fixes and AI Script adjusting that's too many to list.


Per request, I have included 2 documents of the changes made to Major Battles and Vanilla Pokemon, however I still need to list the field interactions that certain new abilities and moves have with the fields.

Side Note: Some of the Sprites are going to be a bit scuffed for the Delta Mons. Due to Insurgence's final release having the Sprites in Gen 4 style, there's not much I can do to remedy that. With the help of Sapphiada, I've tried to edit the Sprites to fit better in Rejuvenation, but they won't be perfect.


Another Note: Some of the abilities are going to have slight changes made to them due to my lack of coding knowledge with Essentials to fit Insurgence's abilities into Rejuvenation. The abilities are:

  • Chlorofury
    • Chlorofury boosts its Special Attack and Speed when a partner ally faints, rather than the game counting the amount of fainted Pokemon in the party,
  • Winter Joy
    • Winter Joy will strengthen in Hail and weaken in Sunlight instead of using the months. This is because having the game use Real Time is kind of janky and I'd much rather not want to tear my hair out trying to get it to work. Plus, the Real Time will be removed in the next update of Rejuvenation.
  • Regurgitation
    • Regurgitation is similar to the Probopass Crest, where it will follow-up with an additional 5 BP attack that hits 6 times and uses a different type per each attack.
  • Blaze Boost
    • Blaze Boost actually is coded in properly, except that Blaze Boost itself is way too broken of an ability for Delta Emolga to get free boosts every time it fires off an attack. Therefore, I've capped all of its stat changes at 2, meaning it cannot raise any of its stats past 2 stages, but also cannot have them lowered past 2 stages.



I deeply apologize for how long this took to get the next update out. I took a hiatus for a bit from modding to focus more on work and also play some games, but really wanted to be able to get this update out before v13.5 was released. I'll continue to include hotfixes for any bugs that pop up, but for now there will not be any major updates until v13.5 is fully released. I hope this will satiate you all who have taken interest in my mod and I hope to give you a wonderful Vanilla+ experience! Have a wonderful day to you all!

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So I downloaded the jackpot mod and I'm having trouble figuring it out. I've tried and failed to get the jackpot starter and I did some looking, it says to replace map 308 on the main page, but the zip file has map 304. So I'm not sure what to do at all.

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  On 8/1/2023 at 11:06 PM, WSGreen said:

So I downloaded the jackpot mod and I'm having trouble figuring it out. I've tried and failed to get the jackpot starter and I did some looking, it says to replace map 308 on the main page, but the zip file has map 304. So I'm not sure what to do at all.


Seems that I accidentally attached the wrong Map File with the mod, it should be fixed now and have the proper map files to replace instead.

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  On 8/3/2023 at 5:26 AM, AsNKrysis said:

Map073.rxdata 69.66 kB · 2 downloads


Download this map file and replace in your Data folder.


I'll also be pushing out a hotfix for this too, but for anyone that doesn't want to download the whole game again just download this file and replace in your Data folder.


that worked! thanks for the quick reply

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  On 8/10/2023 at 8:14 PM, KazzuiKetsu said:

I'm having this error everytime Saki's Metagross explodes in Tesla's Villa battle



I've been trying to look into it, however if I can't get it to function properly then I'm going to remove Chlorofury from the game and replace Mega Delta Sunflora's ability with something else, which Chlorofury is what's causing the issue.

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New Mandatory Patch Released:


This one resolves the issue with Chlorofury, because coding that ability to function properly is a bit annoying, and my amateur coding expertise is unable to figure out how to make it work to count the amount of fainted Pokemon in the party. 


Patch notes:

  • Changed Chlorofury's functionality.
    • Chlorofury now raises its Special Attack and Speed by 1 stage upon its partner ally fainting.
  • Removed Chlorofury from the AI script. The game should stop throwing errors during Double Battles with/against Venam.
  • Added Delta Heatmor (because I forgot to before).
    • Delta Heatmor can be found in Axis Factory at a 10% of encounter.
  • Includes all of the hotfixes from prior.


Due to the amount of Script and Data files I ended up editing, it'll be necessary to redownload the mod instead of me being able to provide the files in this post. Also, if you had the compatibility with EvGym's Auto Battle Speed Up mod downloaded, you need to redownload that as well with the new one I uploaded or else Chlorofury will not function properly. I apologize for the convenience, and hopefully this will be the last hotfix/patch I will need to do before v13.5 comes out. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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