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Help for my team


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So the psychic just destroys my whole team. Tried 5 times a where i got a 2 times. It's got the the point where i got a vespiquen so i'm pretty much close to actually grinding a lot of weak pokes up.

My current team is:

Infernape(power) level 60 my gallade counter acrobatics 1 shots him no crits

Donphan(monster) level 53 my metagross counter still training so he an 1 shot metagross

Vespiquen(honey)level 51 almost completly worthless honestly ive never meet a weaker pokemon my magikarp had killed 5 pokemon before it evolved combee did nothing but D ride donphan. He has attack order and scope lens time for hax

Scrafty(Thug Life) my alakazam killer and all around person i got to. Merks everything also has bright powder to keep away that focus blast even though i can live it easily plus moxie only thing stoping me is metagross

Ampharos(zapper) my light screen person so i don't have signal beam but light screen is worth it its amazing i just got it after my training on them unknowns

Should i go train honey or get a better bug type or should i drop bug types and go train monster he also has a dark type move

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