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team to catch to beat the game


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A team to beat the game...telling people what to use to beat the game...when you can do it with almost anything...well now I've seen everything.

no you cant its pokemon reborn you cant beat it with just anything

I can agree with phantom, he does have a point. For this game you can win with anything its based on how you play and your luck ( those crits) but you need a constantly changing and adapting team. You need to think wisely and make your team or get wrecked and see your dream team well not working anymore. In my opinion dream team would be : Infernape, Excadrill, Escalier, Staraptor, luxray, metagross. But thats what i am aiming although there is no chimchar event yet...

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I can agree with phantom, he does have a point. For this game you can win with anything its based on how you play and your luck ( those crits) but you need a constantly changing and adapting team.

Honestly my team is the exact opposite of your statement, I only had three actual pokemon I used which were Charizard, Crobat, and Gardevoir. Charmelon wrecked the first two gyms with ease and Crobat destroyed most of the rest, only problems were Shade and Radomus, but thats why I had Gardevoir. I had a few other temporary members but there more for catching than battling a Venusaur that puts stuff to sleep, Aggron for headbutting trees worst of the temporary members I think this thing has horribly bad IV's, Gyarados because I thought we might get surf sooner or later, and last was my Marowak which is just for false swiping. The only pokemon from the temp members to even be decent was Gyarados thanks to its high speed IV, bite, and moxie it helped rip up part of Shade's team for me. I am working on an actual team, but with the lack of a move tutor and most of the tools for better breeding missing its very slow.

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There is a move tutor in the game. You have to give her a heart scale to teach your pokemon a move.

It says move tutor, but its actually a move relearner. I know because that is how I got my Crobat to have Cross Poison.

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i forgot i had a shiny crobat but yeah that acrobatics is just so useful. Depends i would say there is no idea team just an smart trainer. Cause my i got bored of my original team after they basically got boring, so i keep rotating my team so that i dont face problems later. The next gym is dark and I know it will have a spiritomb for sure. And we also have Hm pokemon cause they are useful in one sense. also there is an Ev pokemon couple where you steal the ponyta first i think it was new with the 10.1 release cause i remember there being no door before.

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