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Help with Episode 19


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I Feel Like I have Hit A Wall....

Soo,I only really struggled at the Fiore mansion and glass gauntlets and a select few gyms Until E19.When I reached Labradorra i kept losing to Random trainers and the Forced double battles were so hard.Meanwhile i couldnt even get to the Pulses in E19 without breeding for IV and EV training.

When I Started EV,IV breeding,training, that got me through the Pulses with spamming a few heals and revives.Then I Reached the Tournament of Rawr which i keep failing at no matter what i try. Do I need To Change My team or should I just get good at pokemon or something

My Team:


I did Use Some Other Pokemon To Defeat Some Badges But this was my main team i guess

Other Pokes:

Sylveon,Metagross,Amphoros,Rotom,Skuntank and alolan Raichu

Finally,I would like it if this team could take me to the post game with not much change.So,If you have tips regarding that as well i would like it

Any Help would be Appricated :)

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Ok Sure,

Greninja,Blaziken and Aegislash have perfect ivs

The others have random ivs

As for their movesets,ablities and Evs:

Greninja Has:


Hydro Pump

Dark Pulse

Smack Down


The Evs are 252 Attack/252 Speed/6 Special Attack

Blaziken Has:


Bulk Up

Blaze Kick

Sky Uppercut

Ablity:Speed Boost

Evs are 252 Attack/252 Speed/6 Special Defence

Krookodile Has:






Its Not Ev Trained

Excadrill Has:

Swords Dance

Drill Run



Its Not Ev trained


Kings Shield

Iron Defence

Iron Head

Swords Dance

Its Evs Are 252 Attack/252 Defence/6 Speed

Its Holding Leftovers

Swampert Has:



Rock Slide 


Not Ev Trained

Holding a Swamperite




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Disclaimer: I’m not a very good player. 

Still, I have a few remarks on your team. 

Greninja or Aegislash (perhaps Aegislash since it’s slower, but I wouldn’t be shocked if it was the both of them) should run a priority move – Water Shuriken or Shadow Sneak (over Iron Defense), respectively. 

Speaking of Greninja, I don’t understand the EV spread – it mostly has special moves, yet the EVs are in Attack? 

I think Excadrill is too frail to have this many status moves (and Fissure is completely unreliable). Maybe take a Steel stab (typically, Iron Head)? 

Swampert looks a bit redundant at this point, and I think you should at least replace Surf with a physical move (Waterfall or Liquidation) – you’re past the need for HMs.

Maybe ditch it altogether and use another mon (maybe a Psychic or Fairy-type, but it’s not the only option). 

The tournament battles, though, are not normal battles at all; the field really impacts the course of the battle, and the challenge is unusual enough that you could need to change some mons. I don’t understand these battles well enough to give specific advice beyond “try to figure out what makes you lose and try to fix or mitigate it”. 

For the first (double) battles, you might want to give some thought to screens in order to boost your defence. 


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I am Going to replace the swampert with maybe a sylveon i have in my box

Other then that I put Special Attack on greninja because hydro pump is a special move

If i should replace hydro pump with water shuriken and put my Evs into attack do let me know

Finally,My Aegislash was my main carry through most battles after titania i just used kings shield then iron defence and swords dance set while using lots of heals

to sweep every hard team that came my way but this dosnt really work in doubles im afraid.I Dont Know if Shadow Sneak would be better but do let me know

Thanks Alot for all the tips you gave me!

I Really Appreciate It!


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Regarding your aegislash, the moveset I will use is kings shield/swords dance/iron head/shadow sneak, then give it an EV spread of 252ATK/252SPDEF. Kings shield already is a way of lowering the enemy’s attack (thus increasing your defense), so IMO iron defense is a little redundant. Aegislash doesn’t have a way to increase sp.def, so maximising it would be a good way to mitigate that. Shadow sneak is changeable with other moves depending on the situation, like secret sword etc.


Excadrill/krookodile is also a bit redundant since you have repeating types, I’d suggest changing one of them to rotom maybe, rotom is a really versatile mon (will-o-wisp, volt switch) and you can change its form depending on the situation. Normally I like to keep rotom-wash but that is up to you :)

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Thank You!

I will most likely replace excadrill with rotom

And i will try to fix my aegislash

Finally,Thanks for all the Help Aphelli and Axelyx You Guys Helped me through the tournament with your tips and now i am on the final gym leader thanks to both of you

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