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How you've been trolling lately

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I trolled my friend Chris a while ago by using some languages I know while texting about random things of interest

Here's what happened

Chris:have you seen that new Godzilla trailer?

Me:no I haven't

Chris: just that typical action movie thing...

Chris:dude I can't believe Nelson Mandela died...

Me:yeah i know. It sucks the old guy had to go.

Chris: yeah he was old... But not as old as your mom! xP

Me: que? Mi mami es cuarenta y uno...

Chris: I am so confused...


wie kann man nicht wissen!

Chris: ok I barely know any German but wtf?

Me: xD I'm just messing with you man

Chris: dang it jake. Goodnight


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I trolled my friend Chris a while ago by using some languages I know while texting about random things of interest

Here's what happened

Chris:have you seen that new Godzilla trailer?

Me:no I haven't

Chris: just that typical action movie thing...

Chris:dude I can't believe Nelson Mandela died...

Me:yeah i know. It sucks the old guy had to go.

Chris: yeah he was old... But not as old as your mom! xP

Me: que? Mi mami es cuarenta y uno...

Chris: I am so confused...


wie kann man nicht wissen!

Chris: ok I barely know any German but wtf?

Me: xD I'm just messing with you man

Chris: dang it jake. Goodnight


That's not really trolling...

See, trolling is something like telling someone to pronouce out out 'i m n s' and laughing them off as stupid.

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I have trolled but just not anything besides this LATELY xD. This was the latest joke I've played really. Trolling however, the last time I've trolled was the time somebody told me to shutup. I told them maybe I should because if I did maybe their period would end. When I was talking to a friend later he called me out by saying my mouth was a lot bigger than my brain, and that I was stupid for messing with him. I told him that his brain must've really stressed trying to get those words out of his mouth and that apparently his period hadn't ended yet and I sent him off with those words without letting him respond. I felt great XD

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Trolling isn't usually my thing. I kind of have a baseline of respect given to everybody at the start and it doesn't include trolling. Unless they do stupid shit to deserve it, like break the rules, or tick me off. But those are hardly ever mutually exclusive.

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