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Need help breeding a good swellow



So I recently decided on trying breed a good swellow with brave bird, roost, facade on my 2nd play through of reborn, but I got lazy and decided to not get facade. After I got my swellow I realized that I really did need facade since the it has a tendency of killing it self with brave bird, so my plan was too breed my male swellow (holding an everstone for lonely nature) with a female pidove, get a male pidove with brave bird and roost, train it to lvl 43 for facade, and breed it with a female tailow for a tailow with a good moveset. But, when I tried this out the pidove got gust, rain dance(the tailows I bred got rain dance from the swanna i originally bred for brave bird and roost) quick attack, and quick attack. The 2nd one I bred got a similar move set except with roost. So now I'm kind of stuck, can anyone tell me how to breed a tailow with the moveset I want preferably with the lonely nature.

tldr: how do you breed a tailow with brave bird, roost, and facade?

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What gen is this first sorry I just need to know lol. (I will assume X and Y first though).

Talonflame Learns both Brave Bird and gets Roost so you could breed it on that way. Facade I think is still a tm so that should be easy to get on.

Edited by Hukuna
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shoot, I have no clue then lol. It is going to involve some chain breeding that is for sure to get Roost and Brave Bird. Facade should hopefully still be a tm, because I don't think Swellow has any parents that get it, so it can't be bred on.

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shoot, I have no clue then lol. It is going to involve some chain breeding that is for sure to get Roost and Brave Bird. Facade should hopefully still be a tm, because I don't think Swellow has any parents that get it, so it can't be bred on.

Facade is still tm 42, and pidove learns it.

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Wait, Facade isn't a TM in Ge-

Oh wait, didn't see Reborn, idiot move.

Just get that male Pidove up to the Facade move and breed em, also you'd probably want a Hidden Ability Swellow because theres no Flame Orb in the game yet, but thats my thought, you should go with Guts.

EDIT: scratch that, it won't learn Facade as an egg move.

Edited by Slicster
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also you'd probably want a Hidden Ability Swellow because theres no Flame Orb in the game yet, but thats my thought, you should go with Guts.

Technically, there is one way for a flame orb to appear, and thats via the 1 or 5% (I forget) chance of it appearing on a heatmor. Dunno if Ame changed that tho.

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