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Need help finding different pokemon



So, for one, I'm looking for dragon pokemon. I know I can get Trapinch (Flygon) from the game corner, and i guess you can find a Swablu (Altaria) on route 1. Has anyone even found a swable there, I guess they're rare. So if you know of any other obtainable dragon pokemon, just say so.

Next, I would like a Beldum. I know there is the teleport glitch, but I don't really know how it works. If anyone can clearly explain to me how to do it, or if you can tell me a way without cheating, that would be appreciated.

Lastly, I've seen on here that some people have Electivires, and I guess it was from the chance that Elekid carries an Electrizer when caught in the wild. However, is there any way to get an Electrizer after catching him on the rooftop, such as breeding?

Other pokemon I am searching for:





If anyone here can help me get any of these, it would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by KaMiKaZ3DEER
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duskull is in shades gym. there is an ingame event with zorua where you can find him on windy nights in one of the gang hide outs disgused as a murkrow then do a hide and seek game with him. tyrouge is traded for somewhere (i think) and aron is obtained by headbutting a rail in the underground railnet under where you free the man with rock smash. idk bout the teleport glitch i know it involves a tauros. i am intrested in that as well

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  On 12/14/2013 at 11:20 PM, xNappa said:

duskull is in shades gym. there is an ingame event with zorua where you can find him on windy nights in one of the gang hide outs disgused as a murkrow then do a hide and seek game with him. tyrouge is traded for somewhere (i think) and aron is obtained by headbutting a rail in the underground railnet under where you free the man with rock smash. idk bout the teleport glitch i know it involves a tauros. i am intrested in that as well

Thanks man that takes care of those four

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  On 12/15/2013 at 12:17 AM, Gigamantis said:

You trade Dunsparce (found beaneath the Grand Stairway) for a Tyroque with a guy in episode 10. I dont remember where he was though

Guy on top of the building on route 1 trades for it.

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headbutt tres in route 1 and in the chrysolia forest then you will find swablu, rare. thrapich and swablu are the only two that evolves to a dragon so fare in the game.

the only way to get electrizer are for now the elekid and it's only 5% chance. the same for Magmarizer and magby.

but now you can get them by getting to the 8 floor of the dep. store. that means 7 stickers I think.

to find beldum. you need to teleport yourself and torous in to the wastland. you will also need strengt and rock smash i belive. ride torous to the place mudkip are and ther you will find a ledge torous can jump on. then in that cave. re

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  On 12/15/2013 at 7:01 PM, Andi said:

headbutt tres in route 1 and in the chrysolia forest then you will find swablu, rare. thrapich and swablu are the only two that evolves to a dragon so fare in the game.

the only way to get electrizer are for now the elekid and it's only 5% chance. the same for Magmarizer and magby.

but now you can get them by getting to the 8 floor of the dep. store. that means 7 stickers I think.

to find beldum. you need to teleport yourself and torous in to the wastland. you will also need strengt and rock smash i belive. ride torous to the place mudkip are and ther you will find a ledge torous can jump on. then in that cave. re

Thank for the Swablu tip, but how do you know about the Electrizers and such from the department store, and also whenever I try to go into the mudkip caves, Tauros runs away.

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Electrizers are, evolution items which are sold in the dep. store. i gusse, cus the nice lady at the first floor said so.

As for tauros do you go throw the houses, it's much easier to go south from the gym. and are you sure you don't press Z, the tauros won't go throw the buildings in the wast land, so teleport to the gym.

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  On 12/15/2013 at 5:13 PM, KaMiKaZ3DEER said:

Would you be able to inform me as to where I would find a Dunsparce?

  On 12/15/2013 at 5:26 PM, PhantomLordXyrie said:

Under the grand stairs.

They are also all over the place in the grass in Tanzan Cove. I found a bunch there.

Edited by Alphagar
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are you sure you go to the cave opening and not the building cus i did the tauros riding yesterday before i posted the last post. worked fin. you sure you go down from the gym down a stairs, smash a rock jump down a ledge then up an other one to the rigth then down the stairs to the hole in the wall next to a tree. then in there in the seacret hole behinde the red-blue thing. then up a ledg puch a rock then out the mudkip grass up to ledge and and in the cave.

dame it. post me a screen shot of the place tauros goes away. and i will say say if it's the rigth place.

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aron can be found by headbutting on a pole deep under obsidia ward, you go the other way in the railnett. you open up the other door just like you did when you went to tanzan cove. then past the man that gives you a sticker after he finds his girlfriend then down the stairs.

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