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Ampharos or Eelektross?


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I used Ampharos a ton in my e18 playthrough and he carried me through a lot of intense fights. It's such a useful mon that it ended up on my team again in my e19 run. I want to try to use different mons this time since I plan to combine my teams from both saves once I beat Hardy in this playthrough, but there aren't that many electric types that fill a similar role to Ampharos where I'm at in the game. 


Eelektross has a little worse bulk and speed, and it's more physically inclined which is a bit of a turn off cause Discharge spam is so good right now, but I do wanna try it out still. I know it has a great movepool but I'm not too far in yet, I just beat Aya. Is it a good time to swap Ampharos for Eelektross? Should I bother swapping at all?    

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Honestly as someone who is using an Eelektross, the difference between physical and special is negligible at best (115 attack vs 105 special attack), but you'll be using eelektross more often as either a pivot into baiting matchups with volt switch or using coverage such as flamethrower, giga drain, and pretty much every move that isn't an electric type. Granted mine has garbage IV wise (1 attack and 0 special attack) but I love her too much to let her go. However Eelektross has one benefit over Ampharos pretty much right away: It's previous evolution Eelektrik learns thunderbolt innately at level 44, compared to Ampharos and its line, which can't learn it innately and requires a TM to teach. So build Eelektross right and you can have a stronger electric type.


Eelektross also has levitate, so anything involving spikes and such it just don't work against it. However this also means it's counted as not grounded, robbing it of any field effects that affect grounded pokemon.


Though since Ampharos will very much be used solely for its mega evolution later the argument doesn't 100% work. At the same time late game you can get the assault vest for Eelektross, and since 99% of kits for the guy is attack attack attack this isn't a downgrade. Puts its defenses somewhat on par with others but that's also late game stuff.


All-in-all I would say go with what you like. If you got Tynamo then EV train the shit out of it and train it up until it's Eelktrik at 39 and you got 5 levels until it learns thunderbolt. Then you got something that's probably on the weaker side when directly compared to Ampharos but the coverage is valued.


Also always consider a trick room team. You never know when it might come in handy.

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6 hours ago, VMeemes said:


Lots of good points (Levitate slipped my mind lol). The Mega thing doesn't phase me, since I'd rather save my Mega slot for something crazier anyway. Think I'm gonna try Eelektross out, thanks!

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