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Too grindy of a start.


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Hey, just wanted to vent a little, something that bugs me endlessly in some games: WHY is it such a slow and grindy start?? i get it, theres always sóme training to be done, but man, i am putting over 20 hours into this, and my team still barely gets past lvl 16. I started a torchik, now a lvl 20 combusken, and from every thing ive explored that i could have before the 1st gym, i have a joltic, a gulpin and a poochyena. And the only way to get anything worth calling xp is to park my conbusken in the pc to not overlvl it, and to just die over and over to the gymleader to hope to atleast beat one of their mons for the valuable xp. I would normally just train in grass or w/e to get the last bit of xp sorted, but there arent even remotely enough trainers to get close to what i need. considdering everything in the gym has scaling moves, i am stuck grinding wild mons for 60-120xp, or dying to the gym for hópefully 200-500xp. and its been taking ages now. is there any area that actually gives decent xp? at all? i was hoping to just find something ground or rock type related, but thats something that hasnt paid off at all. 

Just to add, before all i get are haters protecting something into oblivion:P I like the game. the premise of a gritty mon-game is great. i like the flexible starter, and tho not enthused with the mons it gets you, exploration seems interresting enough. but the grinding. it kills my desire to play this atm. Sorry. it's just horrid. i am looking for a challenging adventure, not a timesink. And i imagine some will say grinding is part of the challenge, to those i offer the reply, that i allready have a grinding challenge, called a fulltime job, and that games should be entertaining, even when difficult, and not the so-many-eth chore on the list.


I shall thus drop this for now. if anyone might have a golden tip to speed the grinding up, i would be glad to hear it. till then, i am checking out other stuff.

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Check by the main desk in the Grand Hall, there should be trainers that rotate each day that you can repeatedly battle to XP farm, plus they give you some Exp. Candies when you beat them. They also scale with where you are in the game so you can keep coming back to them for efficient leveling whenever you need to.



P.S. IIRC they also heal you after battle and don't white you out when you lose, for a bit more QoL.

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