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what is the most desturbing thing you've heard on reborn


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Yeah, the weirdest things come out of Cain's mouth ..

But what I found weird was Vicoria. Everytime I was about to do a step forward she cought me. "Calvius, I think it's dangerous over there! Better I fight you now!" - Logic. Always asked myself why and I have to admit I was glad when she told me that she is staying in the Academy :D

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I think it was pretty creepy when ZEL said to get what you wanted "you must take one prisoner, hang one by the neck (lemme just say DA FUQ?!) and catch one for questioning"

Ok, so you use vines made by a super robotic hybrid tangrowth to get what you want? And hang a person by the neck while you're at it? Yeah, sure you to do that I'm going home XD

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The little kid looking for his mom in Obsidia Ward, I'm gonna assume his mom died during the whole pulse incident. Its tragic and all but, why the hell is he still there also sometimes I go by and he isn't there and most of the time when I do find him its late at night during wind or rain and its just creepy.

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Most things to do with the train bombing and the Tangrowth PULSE attacks are just kind of creepy or sad. The things Cain says, like him being a top or bottom in the Cirtue... Whatever the hell it's called, are just disturbing but are still amusing none the less. But the worst is, and I know it's not something you hear, witnessing Corey's death. It just freaked me out a little bit. Of course I was somber for the rest of the day.

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The Kiki's Medicham death maybe? That was the first "real" death of a pokemon in all the games i played.

I agree with this. I know its not a thing that can be heard but... Seeing how that Medicham tried to stop the PULSE, then Cal's Magmortar stopped it and throws it to the freaking lava... AND just after that, that madafaquin Garchomp kills Kiki itself... Man... that was the most disturbing and awesome thing ever lol

In second place, I would say Corey's suicide scene at the Lapis ward... stained blood everywhere. And then from nowhere, Shade comes and retrieves the corpse I think.

Speaking of Shade, his Gym with all the foresaw deaths were a bit shocking (since Kiki's hadn't happended yet and

Amaira's murder(?) by Titania, because Amaira was like overpowered in the factory back then...


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Yeah, the weirdest things come out of Cain's mouth ..

But what I found weird was Vicoria. Everytime I was about to do a step forward she cought me. "Calvius, I think it's dangerous over there! Better I fight you now!" - Logic. Always asked myself why and I have to admit I was glad when she told me that she is staying in the Academy :D

I think Cain is a comedy relief in the game, and Victoria is a person who want to protect everyone.

Also Fern is a douchebag rival.

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Well... Cain is my favorite character so far xD, he always makes me laugh with all the crazy stuff that comes out of his mouth lol xD. Hmmm... besides the characters and pokemon deaths, I would say that the thing that caught me off guard was the fight with the Gastly.... Oh... and Shade's gym. Fucking ghosts, man D:

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Other than Medicham's death, nothing really creeped me out in the game. Shade didn't even phase me. I actually thought he looked really cool.

When people died it wasn't really that gory to me, so it didn't really bother me that much except for that 'aww, so sad feeling'.

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that one little kid standing outside the orphanage who says "sometimes, I hear people screaming from the inside" as well as the psycho ward/orphanage rescue

oh and then there's shade and his gengar that just so happens to be named after a guy that we watched off himself, then get carried away as a corpse by shade... hm, Pokemon mystery dungeon anyone?

as if that wasn't insane enough, there's also the wasteland outside the gates of south obsidian, when a bunch of randomness, like gravestones of dead characters, train cars, and various pieces of furniture from Corey's apartment popping up here and there. nearly lost my marbles finding my way to cain's house, only to be defeated in the gym by a crit hit from certain nidoquen in a 1 to 2 battle...

Edited by Legendaries tamer
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