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Karvanha's Modular Mods


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Learn Pre-Evo-Exclusive Moves (for Reborn/Rejuv/Deso)


This mod allows Pokemon to learn level-up moves that are exclusive to their pre-evolutions via the move relearner (eg, Nidoking can now learn Toxic Spikes via the move relearner), and to learn any TM/Tutor moves if their pre-evolutions could learn them (eg, Lumineon can now learn Nature Power via TM).


It is compatible with the "SWM - LearnEggMoves" mod, for anyone wondering.


Download (for Reborn v19.5 / Rejuv v13.5 / Deso v6.0):



Consumable Item Restorer/Regenerator (for Reborn/Rejuv/Deso)

(earlier called Consumable Item Replenisher Basic/Advanced)


These are basically two versions of the same mod. The Restorer version makes your Pokemon have their held items restored at the end of a battle by taking the items from your bag (so it's just a QoL thing). The Regenerator version restores your Pokemon's held items at the end of a battle regardless of whether you have more in your bag, like the Gen 8+ mainline games.


Download (for Reborn v19.5 / Rejuv v13.5 / Deso v6.0):

Restorer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ju28B9H26_Wi1bD0ImP-wjnaFWTz4n0p/view?usp=sharing

Regenerator: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zdIUBLely5DlXBDW7TfjDdrFwRjMJCzi/view?usp=sharing


Download (for Reborn v19.0.16):

Restorer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PKzG1eFQVDB9N6mlzl9RwqBilPQrdBkV/view?usp=sharing

Regenerator: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lwgXl3-1A8wPqR2yfj498rI86Ea3G5zx/view?usp=sharing


Dynamic Speed Mod (for Reborn v19.0.16)


This mod implements the dynamic speed mechanic for double battles introduced in Gen 8 (think Prankster Tailwind), by making turn order get recalculated after every move.

(There's a very small quirk: If a Pokemon's Quick Claw activates but it doesn't get to be the first Pokemon to move, the Quick Claw will have no effect at all in that turn.)





Magnetic Lure Upgrade (for Reborn v19.0.16)


(This has been implemented as a feature into the base game as of v19.5.0-rc.38.)
This mod makes the Magnetic Lure also consider the forms of the Pokemon you've obtained, instead of just the species. The mod does not affect Pokemon that have no forms outside of battle or those that have only purely cosmetic forms* (like Flabebe and Unown).

*If you want such forms to be affected too, you can just open the file in any text editor and comment out line #8 (by placing a "#" at the beginning), like so:

  #return false if CosmeticForms.include?(species)


If you are using this mod on an existing save, note that the data for owned forms can be created only after the mod is installed; so even if you have caught any of the affected Pokemon before installing the mod, you will have to catch them just once more for them to be considered owned. For example, even if you have already caught a Kantonian Geodude before installing the mod, initially the Magnetic Lure won't filter either Kantonian or Alolan Geodude; but once you catch another Geodude, the Magnetic Lure will start filtering the form you just caught. This is not a problem for reinstallations though, since the data is stored in your save itself.





Installation is the same for all the mods: Place the files in the Mods folder and you're good to go. Also all of these should be compatible with almost all other mods.

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On 6/29/2023 at 7:36 AM, Karvanha said:

The mod has been updated and now works for randomly generated forms (hopefully)! Yeah just forget what I said about that earlier...

What does randomly generated forms mean? is there a mon like spinda with 4 billion forms instead of patterns?

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10 minutes ago, Rule9730 said:

What does randomly generated forms mean? is there a mon like spinda with 4 billion forms instead of patterns?

Yeah no Spinda does not actually have forms like that lol. I'm talking about like Unown and Flabebe (if you make the mod also consider cosmetic forms), and other Pokemon that can appear in more than one form in the same area (in base game there's only Marowak in Mirage Tower, but mods like Reatomized have more)

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6 minutes ago, Karvanha said:

Yeah no Spinda does not actually have forms like that lol. I'm talking about like Unown and Flabebe (if you make the mod also consider cosmetic forms), and other Pokemon that can appear in more than one form in the same area (in base game there's only Marowak in Mirage Tower, but mods like Reatomized have more)

Oh ok

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  • 4 weeks later...
14 hours ago, damage2023 said:

They don't work with the berries, I tried the sitrus berry on my snorlax and the mod didn't work u.u

Both versions work fine for me. I should clarify just in case, the items are regenerated (in Advanced version) only if they are consumed by Pokemon in battle, not when you use the items on Pokemon manually. Does that solve your problem?

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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm having this error, the only mod I'm using is your music for battles and the reatomized one. The mod that is giving this problem is the "magnetic lure upgrade". If possible, I hope there is a solution :( , a hug for you karvanha <3

edit: i forgot to say this happens when i found a random battle in the grass, caverns, etc...

Edited by fifi185
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12 hours ago, fifi185 said:


I'm having this error, the only mod I'm using is your music for battles and the reatomized one. The mod that is giving this problem is the "magnetic lure upgrade"

Can you share like a screenshot of all the files you have in your Data/Mods/ folder?

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11 hours ago, Karvanha said:

Can you share like a screenshot of all the files you have in your Data/Mods/ folder?



This is all the mods, i forgot to say i have the UI mod from pyrolusite but i dont think there is a problem in this because it's only UI what modify. And the rest of mods is from reatomized and your battle music pack. If i forgot one from another mod, sorry for this :P

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2 hours ago, fifi185 said:

This is all the mods, i forgot to say i have the UI mod from pyrolusite but i dont think there is a problem in this because it's only UI what modify. And the rest of mods is from reatomized and your battle music pack. If i forgot one from another mod, sorry for this :P

So as far as I know, the error you encountered is caused by one of two things: either having another copy of the Magnetic Lure Upgrade mod in your Mods folder (which does not seem to be the case here), or some kind of incompatibility of this mod with Haru's move relearner mod. Although I don't know the exact cause of the incompatibility, there is a pretty simple fix for the issue. Just download this file and replace the previous one in your Mods folder: HMD - Learnset & Relearn.rb

This version will be included in the next update of Reatomized so you don't have to worry about it in the future

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16 minutes ago, Karvanha said:

So as far as I know, the error you encountered is caused by one of two things: either having another copy of the Magnetic Lure Upgrade mod in your Mods folder (which does not seem to be the case here), or some kind of incompatibility of this mod with Haru's move relearner mod. Although I don't know the exact cause of the incompatibility, there is a pretty simple fix for the issue. Just download this file and replace the previous one in your Mods folder: HMD - Learnset & Relearn.rb

This version will be included in the next update of Reatomized so you don't have to worry about it in the future

Hey Karvanha, thanks for this! The problem is solved. Idk why these 2 mods conflict too but the problem is gone ^^.

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  • 10 months later...

The consumable item mods have been updated to v19.5. Should work with Rejuv and Deso too. I am not looking to update the other two mods right now cuz both of them might be integrated into base game soon anyway...

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...
10 hours ago, Scootis_McPootis said:

I get this error with Learn Pre-Evo-Exclusive Moves, with no other mods installed on 19.5:

Thanks for the report. The error was due to a typo. It's fixed now, please download again

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